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[Portfolio] - Dayle Hodgson-Hard Surface/Environment Artist

So, this is my showreel thus far. Ill be graduating from the University of Hertfordshire this year and will be seeking employment. ANY crit would be appreciated. Working on my site as we speak.


  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 7
    Hello there, I like what I saw, but certain parts like the gas station felt a little diluted since the terrain and roofing weren't really shown, or worth showing. Everything else looked very nice

    Vimeo embedding is new, so you gotta use special bbcode, quote this post to see how I do it.
  • daylehodgson
    Hey, thanks for the crit and the embedding tip.
    Other people have said that the gas station is the weak link. Im going to keep working on it and try and salvage something. Cheers.
  • Ken Benson
    I'd like to see some more wear and tear on your Vespa's seat. It kinda looks like a chocolate bar right now...
  • daylehodgson
    Ken Benson wrote: »
    I'd like to see some more wear and tear on your Vespa's seat. It kinda looks like a chocolate bar right now...

    Thanks for the honest crit. A lot of people have picked at the seat. Chocolaty is definitely the best though :)

    The vespa is being used for a short student film so i think a new seat is top of the list. Thanks again.
  • jeremiah_bigley
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    jeremiah_bigley polycounter lvl 15
    I will leave the model and texture crits to the others and I am going to pick on the video itself a bit.

    The first shot of the vespa (the still image). If you are going to show that at all I would almost want it to be a full beauty shot. And I don't think we need to sit there as long as I was made to. I got pretty bored pretty quick and then it changed to a wire shot of the same still image. You could probably jump to the turntable a lot quicker.

    The turntable of the vespa probably could take up the entire screen. I don't know that you need 2 things on screen. I like seeing the wires and just normal but I would rather see it on the one turning and I would rather see the vespa make at least a full rotation.

    I say one shot because then you can get the turn table shot a lot larger and really slap people with the awesomeness of your art.

    I think your name should always be in the same spot. It bothered me how it moved.

    And I don't know if you even need your texture sheets in there. They are not serving any purpose. We can't see them so all they do is take up space. The texture sheets could probably be something that could be left for the website.

    All that aside. Pretty nice work man. It wasn't too long. Couldn't hurt to be longer if you take the things suggested and let people look at the work a little closer. People would then be more forgiving for it being slightly longer.
  • daylehodgson
    Thanks a lot man. Im going to be pretty much working on this constantly until the end of my degree. The list of crit so far is definitely going to be a massive help. self crit gets hard after staring at the same four pieces for so long :p
  • daylehodgson
    new-ish showreel. still a lot of things that i want to change but i've been tied up working on one project for the last few months. crit is always welcome. the quality is a little jumpy so some reason but i'll sort that.

  • daylehodgson
    so, i decided that there was a lot of things about my reel that are really bugging me. mainly presentation. started to work on a simpler presentation and clean up some pieces.

    took a better shot of my vespa, going to take the crit and scrap the "2 on a screen" thing that's going on and just have the vespa center.

  • daylehodgson
  • daylehodgson

    Made lots of changes to my showreel. please crit :)
  • Skillmister
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    Skillmister polycounter lvl 11
    What's the obsession with showreels? :/ Especially as the majority of it is just still images anyway...

    Nice work all the same
  • daylehodgson
    i guess its just a nice quick easy way to show a bunch of projects to employers rather then franticly run through a memory stick of images in an interview.

    Thanks for the compliment :)
  • Rick_D
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    Rick_D polycounter lvl 12
    What's the obsession with showreels? :/ Especially as the majority of it is just still images anyway...

    Nice work all the same

    it's so that you can further alienate your potential employers by overlaying terrible music. it also makes it harder for them to easily find a piece of your art they like and focus on it for longer than a couple of seconds.
    truly showreels are the last bastion of the budding artist.
  • daylehodgson
    Rick_D wrote: »
    it's so that you can further alienate your potential employers by overlaying terrible music. it also makes it harder for them to easily find a piece of your art they like and focus on it for longer than a couple of seconds.
    truly showreels are the last bastion of the budding artist.

    well after showing my reel to a hand full of employers none of them had anything bad to say and many of them went back through the reel to look at bits again. i also take a portfolio with me that shows things in more detail including breakdowns and stuff. the comment on the music is obviously your personal taste rather then a bad choice on my part. i thought polycount was for professional crit rather then dragging people down. at some point you must of been in a position where your trying to first enter into the games industry?
  • TrevorJ
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    TrevorJ polycounter lvl 14
    don't mind rick, that's kinda just how he is, he's like the old grumpy man of polycount.
  • daylehodgson
    TrevorJ wrote: »
    don't mind rick, that's kinda just how he is, he's like the old grumpy man of polycount.

    HAHA! okay. I'll bare that in mind.
  • Orgoth02
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    Orgoth02 polycounter lvl 9
    Music is terrible and needs to be removed.
  • daylehodgson
    Orgoth02 wrote: »
    Music is terrible and needs to be removed.

    blunt. but thanks. i'll search for a more fitting track. any advice on what kind of style would fit better?
  • Savannakhet
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    Savannakhet polycounter lvl 11
    blunt. but thanks. i'll search for a more fitting track. any advice on what kind of style would fit better?

    Nice, bland. Inoffensive. Bland If you put rock music on then sod's law says that you draw the recruiter who likes hip hop or vice-versa.

    I personally don't bother with music. If the recruiter is listening to music on his pc anyway then having another track coming on is just going to irritate and you can never account for taste. FWIW I quite liked the music on your showreel, but my musical taste is a bit esoteric.
  • DireWolf
    The slightly brighter bike in your second render is a huge step from the first top reel. However the rest of the environment really fall short. The texture looks really blurry, the dark lighting prevents us from seeing anything.

    What people want to see in hard surface reel and environment reel is quite different. I think you first need to really choose what you want in your reel. For a hard surface modeler, we want to see variety of shapes. From complex to simple, and from round to sharps. I even think showing your model with no color texture is even better if you're going for a modeling position. As long as you have your normal map in it, or simply just render your zbrush/mudbox sculpt.

    For environment reel, you will need to show how to put things together and light them beautifully.

    So I guess that's my first advice - choose what you want to show in your reel and really make it shine. Right now it's neither hard surface nor environment.
  • daylehodgson
    Thanks! that's what i wanted. my main interest is in assets and dressing environments rather then buildings, terrain etc (as im sure it shows) i think I'll concentrate it down into more hard surface. Thanks again.
  • urgaffel
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    urgaffel polycounter lvl 17
    Rick_D wrote: »
    it's so that you can further alienate your potential employers by overlaying terrible music. it also makes it harder for them to easily find a piece of your art they like and focus on it for longer than a couple of seconds.
    truly showreels are the last bastion of the budding artist.

    Look who's talking, your portfolio website doesn't even work!

    (Started enjoying Stockholm yet Rick? Summer is coming, should make it better ;))
  • scotthomer
    I have to agree with DireWolf, what suprised me when I started doing environment stuff at work was that you dont actually do a great deal of asset work. There is obviously times where assets are needed and you will do them, but you will most likely spend the majority of your time building environments and lighting them. Would definately be worth focussing on that so you arent setting yourself up for the same shock I had. :D

    Great work man!
  • daylehodgson
    Thanks everyone. happy to see some great crit being generated. polycount community lives up to it reputation :)
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