Hey, I was hoping to get some feedback on this asset, based on a quake 4 concept sketch.

800 Polys, 2k diffuse/spec/normal. I know that's a high map resolution for an asset like this, but since it's not going into a game I left the textures scaled up.
Lets start with the texture. The metal is old and rusty but only in some parts. For example, your screws are perfectly untouched. I can guarantee this console has been opened at least once, but the screws don't show signs of being touched at all. (they would also be tough to remove since they have no way to grip them!) Another thing is that the wires are the same color as everything else. A little different color and spec on them would help make them stand out more. The screen on the console is also perfectly untouched despite the age of the piece (since its all rusty). The screen could have damaged pixels, cracked glass, smokey glass where maybe the piece had a short one time.
On the model side you've done a good job with the forms. Except on the middle part that was changed from the original concept (the portion in the hollow of the console where the power cords are in the concept.) Though this won't effect most views it will give a more boring side view because the negative space has been covered by the two wire/pipe things on the side. In the original concept this would have been a great place to play with light and shadow by being able to place lights on the inside of the model and cast shadows on the world. Hope that makes sense, its tough to explain
Consider the story behind this piece, where does this console go? Who built it? What is its purpose? These questions can help you push the depth of the piece more. Consider not only this model as a piece but as part of a whole environment and you'll know whats missing! Keep up the hard work!
ps I'm making these comments based on the one picture, always give us your wires and texture sheets if you want a better in depth study!
Also, that square area on the bottom left of the console doesn't look good to me.almost looks like its got a lumpy bump map to it. I'd say improving that area of the screen will help the whole thing look a little better.
I think what I don't like about lighting it more directly is that all the scratches light up like the effin fourth of july the second any direct light hits them, whereas having more soft back lit lighting makes it look a bit more subtle?
Maybe this issue can be mediated by implementing a gloss map? If so, if someone can point me to a good tutorial on (or just tell me) how to utilize/make effective gloss maps, and how I could use in conjunction w/ my spec, I would greatly appreciate it.
Here is my spec:
EDIT: Ooh, and to adress some individual things:
Buttershoes, you're right about that pipe/cavity area off on the side, I wasn't sure how to 'read it' from the concept and couldn't come up with how to make that part interesting so I sort of copped out and made some boring pipe/wire assembly haha.
Sokol: Not sure what part you are referring to, do you mean the pulse diagram thing ?
I agree some labeling and text or printed iconography could go a long ways.
Think about some white or yellow arrows, or instructions, maybe brail panels, etc.
snake85027 , you mean, add a blue tint to the metal to sort of fake light falling off onto the surface from the screen?
ScoobyDoofus - This is max 2012, Xoliul shader