This is my first real modeling project in 3ds max. I started it probably like last year but only really started into it a month or more ago, few hours a week at best lately I have tried to work on it every day at least a little. The purpose is to learn Max but I still want to make this look great and maybe even make it my own. you know add a little something.
I don't like following tutorials because what I come out with is just a model that someone else made but the information I have gained has been great. no way I could have leaned this much about max on my own.
I was further along but max doesn't seem to like me and I had to untriangulate half of the model by hand.
anyways enough blabin here are my viewport shots.

Oh and I always take any and all advice/critique. Ttear it apart I don't care. I'm leaning this all on my own so It is all super appreciated.