Hey guys, to celebrate us nearing the end of the first month of development, we've posted a video of some gameplay footage from a recent alpha build- would love to know what you all think:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySGw09JkYog&hd=1&rel=0"]The Other Brothers - Alpha Preview - YouTube[/ame]
Please remember that it's still extremely early days but we're proud of what we've done so far and would love to get your feedback!

PS don't forget to check out the
developer diary thread to read some behind-the-scenes about the technology from our programmer Robert.
if you can, like our facebook page and like to get updates direct to your newsfeed and follow our twitter @tobgame. 
your comments and support are really appreciated, it is what keeps us going
throw some likes on the video if you can and also head over to our facebook page and like to get updates direct to your newsfeed (don't worry, we dont spam everything we do) and our twitter @tobgame.
I take it that co-op is planned? Because that would be quite a feat!
Keep it up!
The trailer has been very well received - a load of sites have picked it up and are very positive which is great to hear considering it's still very basic compared to what we are currently implementing. A lot has happened since the trailer in terms of mechanics, we have things like conveyor belts and moving platforms and of course many new enemies. We've also been working on the cinematic system
we did an interview with pocket gamer recently with some previously unheard stuff:
please share ofcourse. the more you do, the more we can do.
Offtopic: is that dan hibiki in your avatar?
we're now on facebook if anyone wants the dev diaries direct to their newsfeed as they're posted:
give us a like to keep up to date