Hey guys and gals! Been out of the loop for a while without much time to set aside for anything art related, and I realized the lack of it has been dragging me down. So here I am trying to work off the rust.

So here's the start of it I guess. Still mostly in the line art and block out phase although I've given a little more love to the face. By no means is anything set in stone.
I'm not really happy with a lot of what I have going on right now so I was hoping I could get some good feedback and or tips. Be mean if you must, I cant take it. Thnx!
Gogo man!
I will definitely move that leg in to get the pose looking more femine though.
As far as the blackout vs detail goes I agree with and appreciate the advice. I tend to get fixated with the face on any new piece that I do and tend to over render it before I really should. I'm done with it now though until I block out the rest of her.
Anyhow, hope to get more progress up later tonight!
Let me maybe try and explain what I'm doing a bit so everyone is on the same page? She's some sort of warrior caster kinda chick. She is supposed to be about to take off into the air, but she is unsure of something and is looking back at something or someone as she prepares to fly away. Thats the pose I'm gong for so please tell me if I'm nailing it and if not suggestions on how to get there.
Smug Batman thinks he's better than you.
ps: red and blue was a solid choice
I wanna hear some crits for you people! Don't tell me what I'm doing right, just what im doing wrong.
left arm looks a little awkward, like its coming out of her side/torso
looks good overall though
where were you guys when I was still roughing out the pose and wanted crits XD ?
Here is Feng Zhu. Its either the Zombie Knight, Video Game character, or one of the character tutorial.
And please, help me nail this shit down before I start my render passes! lol.
The green is what you currently have: her sternum/chest facing one way, and the belly button facing forward. You'll need to bring the two closer in terms of which way they are facing (the red arrows indicate less painful twist directions). Just my two cents though, feel free to disregard it if you disagree.