Several months ago I salvaged an old hard drive and was able to restore my old dominance war IV
entry from 4 years ago.. I never finished, but I was able to get far enough into the project that abandoning it felt like a colossal waste of time.
Both fortunately and unfortunately, I've grown a bit over the last 4 years. Some parts of the model I plan to rework- others, I don't. I'm not trying to completely reinvent the wheel, but I am trying to make something I will be proud of in the end. (
old model for comparison)

I decided to kick everything off with the rider. I wasn't happy with the job I did originally so I redesigned some bits here and there.

Fictionally, He`s the brains behind the man/giant apparatus thing, so I wanted him to look a bit sinister. His mask went through a small evolution as I worked. I feel the end result is much better than it
was, which, in a nutshell is the intent of this project.

I ran into some issues that came up as a result of my inexperience with rigging and the hp/lp mesh differential.
Lessons learned. Unfortunately I had to come to the realization that I can't keep reworking this until the end of time. I have to move on. Some stretch funkiness around The shoulders is just something I'm going to live with. The next pair of shoulders I do will suck less. ...(here`s hoping)
Moving onto the giant-
Is it a play off've the Mad Max character/s?
I'll be keeping an eye on this one.
For now the only critic i would bring up is the maybe axcessive step in the eound section of the character's arm, and maybe not enough on the shoulder muscle (u can clearly see the polygon step there).
@glynnsmith: It certainly is a play on the madmax duo. Although I want the design to be a bit more streamlined and techy, with less emphasis on low tech conventions.
@motenai: Totally agree. I cringe whenever I look at my mesh in those spots. Huge fan of your work btw!