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[UDK] Prairie environment

polycounter lvl 7
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underfox polycounter lvl 7
after 3 weeks of work around it ( 3h per day everynight sometime more ) heres is the current result of my first real next gen environment. I decided to do it so i could have a bit more content for my portfolio ( hoping to get a job this year )




It's not even close to complete, there is still no skybox, i want to add a flow map on my river, some leaves particles falling from the tress etc....

please do criticize my work as it helps me improve it.

Update current progress:



  • Joopson
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    Joopson hero character
    I mean, it's really nice, but it just looks like the 3DMotive tutorial. Which is a super helpful tutorial, but you need to make it your own if you want to stand out. Make a different type of tree using the same technique. Or, add in a few different trees to mix it up a bit. Make some trees greener, and leave others yellow. Same with the grass.

    It really is a good start, you just need to push it and make it your own. And add something of interest besides the trees; maybe ruins or something. I don't know.
    Just have fun with it, and separate yourself from everyone else who watched this tutorial.

    Good luck!
  • sybrix
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    sybrix polycounter lvl 13
    I would suggest some more color variation. From the prairie ref pics I googled it looks like they do have various shades of foliage going on in them. I would make some tree variations and add some more hue variation to the grass and plants. I would also play around with the water and make it appear more blue.

    The grass and the path is clashing, it looks like the grass is coming off a bit too bright. I also agree that you need some sort of focal point like an interesting rock formation or ruins or something.

    Beautiful lighting in this scene and I do really like the trees you have in the scene so far. Keep it up!
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    thanks a lot for the feedbacks, really means a lot for a newbie like me :P

    so i'm definitly going to add some more tree variations along with some color variations for the canopee.

    as fore the clash between the grass and the path, i was thinking in scale down the grass near the road will post picture later tonight so you can tell me what you think about it.

    And basicaly i was planning on adding a lot more things to the scene, here is the list of things i'm planning to do for the final scene.

    - Wood plank and some clothes as if kids were playing around in the river.
    - leaves particles falling from the trees
    - butterflies flying around
    - flow mapping for the river
    - an animated skybox
    - adding somes more folliages assets near the river and maybe to break up the grass repetition.

    once again thank you for the feedback keep it coming.
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    little update


    created an animated skybox ( it was bugging me somehow not seeing any clouds in the scene)
    i'am currently modeling some wood fences similare to this ones110509-020533-cloture-bois_large.jpg i though about placing them alongside the pathway .

    i am also making some color variations for the trees as well as for the grass.

    i modified slightly my rock shader wich i though was a bit too " plastic like " added some more details on it.

    I followed the advice of sybrix and decided to make a water cave thus creating a rock formation to serve as a focal point in my scene.

    keep sending some feedback, it's good for me :P
  • Reventius
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    Reventius polycounter lvl 9
    Nature is cool and awesome and all, and I dig what you have so far, but I think you'd really benefit by adding more of a focal point of some kind to the scene. Doesn't have to be right up in your face, but maybe off in the background on a hill something. Some kind of house or structure that fits within what you already have. I think it'd make the piece more interesting, personally.
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    oh yes i'm definitly going to add a background later to add more depth to the scene, and i'll think about what to do as a background focal point. Thanks for the tip.
  • kippernicus
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    kippernicus polycounter lvl 11
    This looks very nice, underfox. Great work so far! :)

    I suppose this would be more of a personal nuisance than anything, but you have an orangish-glow around your grass blades. I'm not sure if that was done on purpose, but you may want to change your fill color to match the blades more closely, just to see how it changes the scene. Keep up the solid work!
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    little tiny update with a video this time >>> click here <<< ( be sure to watch it in 720P )


    - created some leaves particles colliding with the ground.
    - desaturate the sky texture a bit
    - added some color variations to the existing trees / grass ( planning to add some diferente trees)
    - added and placed the wood fences assets ( it's position are not final , please give me some though about it )

    well there still is a few things to do and i know i'm going slowly but i want it to be well done.

    i need help on one thing, can someone tell me how i could make some butterfly flying around in the scene? Is it doablet via cascade or ...?
  • SirCalalot
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    SirCalalot polycounter lvl 10
    Ah, the old butterfly question.
    I've seen on countless forums many different ideas and thoughts on the subject.

    Personally, I'd make a simple butterfly in Maya and render out a short looping flutter animation from above (so it's symmetrical). I'd put these frames into a Flipbook Texture then import it into UDK's Cascade as an animated sprite.
    From there it's just a case of making it always face the direction of velocity and adding some noise to it's movement.
    The Bird particle system from the Epic Citadel is a good starting point.

    The reason each frame would need to be symmetrical is that, using a camera-facing sprite and a side-on butterfly would only look good from one direction.
    When the player views from some angles, the sprite flips upside-down to face the camera.

    Obviously this is only one method and I'm sure someone else on Polycount has another way :)
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    thanks a lot sircalalot i'm definitly trying the flipbook texture idea, it actualy gave me an idea, i though of having birds flying really fast from a tree to another using this technique, shouldn't be really hard i think and it should give more life to the scene i think.

    thanks again for the tips please keep them coming :P
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    ok i stumbled upon another little problem, i'm currently playing with sounds for my scene ( i know i know there is still a lot of things to do in the scene it self rather than playing with sounds.

    River sound test

    As you can ear in the video ,my problem here is the river sound, i can't make it sound from the location where the sound display icon is, i wanted to ear the river depending on the location of the player. If the river is located on the left side of the player, the sound should be proeminently heared on the left side of my headphone, yet i don't know how to do that. does somebody knows a solution?
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    another tiny update.

    so following reventius tip, i added a bridge to play as a central focal point along with the waterfall and decided to model a medieval tower up in the hill on the left side of the waterfall to act as a background focal point also, do tell me if it is a bad idea or not.




    the tower i am thinking in modeling would be inspired of the exemples below




    i like that last one with an exagonal shape and a roof. I will obviously add a flag at the tip of the roof to play with cloth modifier.
  • MiragentGames
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    MiragentGames polycounter lvl 5
    really REAALLLYYY good stuff!
  • Tokusei
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    Tokusei polycounter lvl 10
    love the colours in this :) adding the tower seems like a good idea, will give a focal point to the piece.

    Adding some loose rocks into the scene could break up the areas where it transitions from grass meshes to the path

    also in the 2nd shot the terrain is clipping through the bridge mesh, looks unnatural atm

    this tower is quite old, maybe not ideal if you want to give the impression it's inhabitable with a flag but maybe some food for thought :)http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3282/2951079764_0a43d55db0.jpg
  • switz
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    switz polycounter lvl 10
    Looking great man! Get yourself a 'richer' skybox to help contrast those beautiful colors!
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    @miragentgames Thank you :)

    @Tokusei thank you,i'll definitly think about ading some rock on the path to break the grass transition.

    @switz Thank you but i'm sorry i don't understand what you meant by " richer "? more clouds? more contrast between the blue and the clouds? darker blue sky?
  • switz
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    switz polycounter lvl 10
  • AimBiZ
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    AimBiZ polycounter lvl 14
    Great progress! Only thing that's missing is some nice big cliffs in the background, particularly on those hills that currently only got rock texture slapped on them. Not too fond of that part.
    Also I think the grass is a bit too close to the river. Not sure if it's realistic but there is a need of some sort of transition, like a small beach or a steep edge or rock and sand.
  • SirCalalot
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    SirCalalot polycounter lvl 10
    I love that bridge, but as @Tokusei mentioned, the transition between wood and terrain is quite rough.

    You could try a decal that blends between the terrain material and an alpha - or maybe add the terrain material as a vertex-painted blend for the bridge :)
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    @riot for quiet thanks you :)

    @switz Oh i see, I'll see what i can do with thos clouds.

    @AimBIZ THank you, and yes i agree with you withe that rock texture, as for the grass close to the river, you are right again, but it's something i havn't finished yet, i'm thinking in adding more diferente grass to it to have that kind of transition fleur-0113.jpg
    probably not that with that much density but in the end we shouldn't see the dirt that much.

    @Sircalalot thank you, great idea with the decals, i'm going to try that out right away.
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    following what sir calalot and aimbiz said earlier i did the grass and reeds on the river border and added some decals to hide the intersection between bridge and terrain. I also added some ropes moving in the wind "on" and "under" the bridge to make it a little bit more dynamic.





    I think i'll be wroking on the tower now.
  • St4lis
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    St4lis polycounter lvl 7
    Sweet! All the trees are the same size though, you might want to have a look on that. And perhaps add some bushes?
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    there are actualy some trees higher than other, but i guess it's too subtle, i'll have to change that. Thanks for pointing it out st4lis. As for the bushes, i made some and still havn't placed them.
  • Samfisher84
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    Samfisher84 polycounter lvl 9
    Looks cool but i dont get the feeling of prairie env now!
  • SirCalalot
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    SirCalalot polycounter lvl 10
    It's looking great!
    One thing that jumps out at me still though is the colour of the water.

    It just doesn't look natural having that lightish-grey hue.
    Maybe a darker green base colour with the reflection turned up would bring it out better - making it more of a blue overall.
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    yet another update. it isn't complete i reassure you, but i have to show something for my portfolio so i decided to make this little video for the moment.






    does anyone know why the video doesn't automaticaly embed it self ?
  • jimmypopali
    This looks great! Are you still planning on making the tower? Also, did you make the waterfall yourself?
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    thank you, i will definitly do the tower yes, as for the waterfall i can't say i made it " by my self " since i was greatly inspipred by the one found in UDK, so basicaly my waterfall shader is very similar to the one you find in UDK.

    On the other hand ,the particles of water splashing, ripple surface and water fog were all done by my self.
  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    Amazing, I love it.
  • AimBiZ
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    AimBiZ polycounter lvl 14
    You got yourself a beautiful environment now. Yes please, really make the tower as it will provide a great focal point and contrast between types of materials.

    My only crit is that the surroundings seem a bit empty. The showoff area is lush but between the trees you only see a sky. Would do this piece really well if you put in some mountains in the background. I guess it would be enough to place them in the skybox but still being meshes. I'd recommend looking up images of Switzerland for inspiration of the interplay between mountains and valleys.

    Looking forward to the next update!
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    @benHenry thank you :)

    @AimBIZ i will do as you said for he background, it is true that we don't hae a proper view of what can be found behind those hills and some hills will definitly help . i'll work on it allong with the tower.
  • andr3w1sh
    @underfox so which method did you go with for your butterflies? the subUV flipbook?
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7

    well I basicaly followed everything that R13 said on the other topic.( thanks again dude, )

    r13 wrote: »

    First you need a static mesh with the butterfly, just like deel’s up above. You need that v in there. If you made each at 45 deg to the floor, it’d be perfect.
    Place the mesh into an emitter in cascade, also place your shader in a mesh material module.

    Adjust the spawn rates so you have 0 in the rate and 1 in the burst.

    Give it a life time long life time like 10 seconds. Now you should have one butterfly spawning at the origin.

    Next you want to animate the wings, drop a size scale module in the stack. You want a constant curve type on this. Now keep your x and y at 1 across the whole thing, add points and put a sine wave on the z curve. Set it up for the full 10 seconds [out to 10 on the curve grid] each time you want the wings to flap you feed to put in points on the curve. I’d suggest one up and down every .1-.25 seconds, but adjust as you see fit.

    Now you have a flappy butterfly, depending on what you want to do with it, I’d next plays a orbit model on it. Set your offsets small something like 5 units, and let it spin in all axis’s. This will give the butterfly some jumpy movement to match its flapping.

    now give it some velocity and you can make it float along. Chain another orbit and you can make it go in a circle or swarm a particular spot.

    You might experiment with mesh rotations and mesh rotation rates depending on what you are trying to do. If you want to do the circleing ones, you’ll need to turn the mesh to match the rotation speed of the larger orbit.

    edit curves:

    You need to change the distribution type. Hit the blue arrow and select constant curve.

    Then set the graph info to the curve editor. Hold control and click the line. Move each of the axis up to 1. Hide x and y and the start adding more nodes on the z

    I wish I could have given you the particle effect it self for you to look at it but unfortunatly I don't have this environment working correctly anymore ( BACKUP!!!!!!)
  • andr3w1sh
    underfox wrote: »
    I wish I could have given you the particle effect it self for you to look at it but unfortunatly I don't have this environment working correctly anymore ( BACKUP!!!!!!)

    That sucks! I'm sorry you lost all that. Yeah I followed that tut but for some reason I can't get the flaps to happen fast enough. Everything comes to a halt at adding sine waves to the Z coordinate. I can either get one good timed flap, or a series of really slow ones.
  • AbKI
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    AbKI polycounter lvl 6
    It's so lush! I just want to take a walk through it. Enjoying seeing your progress with this one. :)
  • Cactus on Fire
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    Cactus on Fire polycounter lvl 10
    You might wanna try 'Normal Thief' to reorient the grass instances so they get smooth shading. I can't tell if they are always facing the camera or randomly rotated grass patches though.

    I rendered this in scanline, then just added some fog and contrast in PS. The shading changes with lighting position. It only has 512x512 diffuse + alpha

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