Hi all,
Aaaand it's finally done

Final Result:
This morning starting at 9 our art director and concept artist
Pascal Brander will be streaming all day while he designs/paints the poster for our game
Cross of the Dutchman.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRmE5IIGFUA"]Cross of the Dutchman - Official Gameplay Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
We are currently working hard on all fronts, from leveldesign/animation to promotional stuff like this poster and even a book. We have 6 days left on our
kickstarter and we're currently in our final sprint.
Help support our game through kickstarter and have a chat with our talented concept artist and art director on the
Livestream, he'll answer any question about the game or even some paint tips (or ask here I'll also update this topic).
And some ingame screens: [WIP]

Thank you for your time!
Triangle Studios
click here to check it out!
but why all characters in trailer are left-handed?
Thanks davidlom! The animations are just placeholders (hastely made by me) to have something to show, we had a LOT of motion capture done as well. Really can't wait to get my hands on that mocap data
Grats to Pascal Brander on creating an amazing poster!