This is the very beginning of my stylized treasure chest for a little scene I am doing for my website. Ill be posting step by steps. Please give any input as I go . again This is Just the beginning of the Hires.
Oh wow, fantastic work on the metal. Only recommendation is where you have those circles (where it was hit with a hammer probably), just fade out part of the circle into the rest of the metal.
Awesome! This is a great piece, I love how even without any material and texture work it already looks quite good and you instantly get what each piece is made out of.
I just spent the last 20 minutes looking for that tutorial and realized the reference picture that I am using is the same chest. doing a little more digging I realized that the guy that made the tutorial is actually a teacher of mine from school. thought that was funny. And thank you!
Nice to see someone make my 3dmotive chest. You should really post where you got your reference in your first post online in the future. Just so no one calls you out on that.
You're doing a nice job on the wood so far. The design of the wood grain, etc looks good. Only critique with the wood now (and if you watch the texturing portion of the video) is that the wood is reading as very monotone at the moment. Start to work in other hues in there. Blues in the shadows, etc. Looking forward to seeing the metal areas.
Get an image hosting too. Attached images are a pain to look at.
thanks for that helpful critique, as i said in the comment the color for the gold metal has just begun. so please. give the metal the benefit of the doubt, for now. any critiques on the wood would be appreciated
Heh heh okay I'll be gewd. Uhm, well on a plank by plank basis, it still looks a bit monotone. Each plank is there now, but they each have their own origin and sad little story. Maybe ones a little more weathered than the others, who knows, it's your thing I'm just being a jerk about it.
I'd love to see it textured as well
You're doing a nice job on the wood so far. The design of the wood grain, etc looks good. Only critique with the wood now (and if you watch the texturing portion of the video) is that the wood is reading as very monotone at the moment. Start to work in other hues in there. Blues in the shadows, etc. Looking forward to seeing the metal areas.
Get an image hosting too. Attached images are a pain to look at.
Also reference image,
and honestly about the attached image, I didn't know how to host the image until someone else brought it up last night and showed me
critiques on the wood please!!