Hey guys, I am doing some props and I read whole document about normal maps here in polycount wiki and also I read, vertex counts are more important than polyocunts, so:
Here are 4 meshes:
HP:hipoly(for baking)
01-lowpoly-one smoothing group, for baking probably useless, coz in game engine, it will have not very nice smudges all over the model + there will be big distortion on small details, has
14polys02-lowpoly-every side has its own smoothing group, it can be used for nice normal map , but however, it needs a lots of smoothing group and separated UVs for every smoothing group, so vertcount is rly big, has 48verts(mesh) + 24(if I count well) for UVs, so it has
72 verts of total/
03-lowpoly, uses one smoothing group, but is beveled, so I can use nice normal map without using any additional smoothing groups and I got much nicer silhouette and much nicer normals on edges, it has 40 verts + (idk exactly) 10verts on UV map, so
+-50verts in total/
So my question is now, should I use case 02 or 03? coz I read here on polycount, vertcount is more important than polycount. Also case 03 has much better silhouette.(btw prop itself can be 1,5 meters tall in real world scale)
Thanks for ur responds
They are all correct ways to do it but you have to understand where it's going and how it will be used.
with udk iv gotten god results using 03 with edited normals.