My girlfriend was kind enough to give me a nice cold, instead of passing it on to everyone I decided to start this recon drone.
I haven't really had the chance to do much hard surface modelling in the past so this should be a good bit of practice

Much of it is just blocked out at the moment as I am still trying to figure out what to do with the bottom of the drone.
I want it to look functional and avoid loads of random clutter etc.
As for the front drone, I have added in extra edge loops for the gills on the side. I then duplicated the faces and made the fins as separate parts to see how it looks. I might make them out of the main fuselage but I think I will have lots of problems with the topology, what do you think?
and nice recon drone
mbischof - Thanks
I managed to make some more progress on this. Here are 2 images with my thoughts scribbled over them. Hopefully they will provide abit of a insight on the direction that I am planning on taking the model.
(The left hand side of the drone needs to be mirrored over to the right, so ignore any round blobs on the right)
As you can see I am thinking of possible shapes to add to the little arms as I am not sure if they look a bit primitive as just stretched boxes. At the same time I am thinking of the fragility of the arms and the underside of the drone itself, I am trying to avoid turning it into a gunship with arms.
I am torn between 1 and 2 at the moment.
Also I have been playing around with possible attachments for the arms. It's hard to add variation without it turning into a limp 2 finger claw like hand (which couldn't pick anything up) or a pair or scissors lol
The air brakes on the main body are just ideas, I am not sure if I will make them yet as it seems like extra clutter and extra tri's.
Edit- I just had a thought that the legs themselves could be used as landing gear, it would look like a strange flying spider! Also I thought that I could scrap those suggestions for the bottom of the drone and just work in some vents and metal seams etc.
I managed to bulk up the arms, incorporate the gills to the body itself which works alot better. I have also mirrored it across etc.
I still need to make a few tweaks here and there, like the smoothing on the big leg armour pad etc.
Once that is done it will be a case of taking the hp parts into zbrush and adding Armour seams etc. I will also create a paint over so that you know the style I am going for with the textures etc.
I am hoping it isn't too tri heavy as there are alot of stuff going on along with wires etc
May I ask what this shape is for?
To me it looks like its suppose to be a hover engine like this
But it doesnt have the blades in between.
Good luck
I see what you mean it looks too smooth, not really very metal like.
Here is a little paint over of my plan of action.
@ Rednaz - Thanks man. As for the fan things I was planning on making them into some weird sci fi plasma generator thingymajigs like the weapon for gordon Vogts Hunter -
I did originally plan on putting fans in there but theres already bendts at the front ,I will have to play around with it and see what looks best I guess.
Do you think it I should make the center of the body more angular? It looks too smooth at the moment in contrast to the angular wings and pointy arms etc.
Sadly I will not be able to work on it till tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to get it into ZBrush as long as there are no major issues you fellow polycounters would like to see addressed.
I made a before and after to show it.
Seeing as a lot of the model was instanced I thought I would try and get the low poly model done so that I can get moving on with other stages tomorrow. It is currently around 85,000 tri's. It shouldnt be too hard to cut down the count. I was thinking of removing the geo from the plasma cores, cutting down the geo of the pipes sticking out of the back. Another massive saver would be to reduce the amount of geo in to wires as each of them currently have 7 sides.
That 85,000 was due to a renegade turbosmoothed object.
I played around with the steps on the wires and decided to go for 4 steps instead of 3 as it only added 500 tri's but really helps the silhouette.
I am hoping that I can get the unwrap finished by tomorrow. Most of it can be mirrored so it shouldnt take too long
(EDIT - note to self- make sure to check for overlapping UV islands before uploading images and making yourself look like a noob)
I made a quick colour blockout to see what it looked like.
I am in the process of adding more detail to the normals and cleaning them up in general,then I can start adding detail to the diffuse etc. Once that is done then it will be UDK ahoy for some emissive fun time for the camera lens and engines etc
respawnrt - Thanks for the tip, I had a look on there and theres some pretty awesome pics. It has deffinatly inspired me with all the military stickers etc and the design of the aircradft themselves.
SasoChicken - Thanks , I did try having him a really dark green with nice contrasting lights , but I bailed on it and as there wasnt enough contrast between the green and grey.
I had a go at coming up with some differenct colour variations for you. Just had a thought that a tan model might look cool, like the Starwars attack of the clone droids. I will post one up when I get abit more of the other stuff texturing stuff finished off.
I managed to get the normal map finished today and make a good start on the other textures. I still need to sort the cable normal map and design. I will post some ideas on here as to what I am thinking.
Here it is anyway
I have manged to play around with it and sort out most of the seams. Some of the errors were also down to a mess up in with the smoothing groups
The bevels are a killer too, in ZBrush I made sure they were massive but once they were baked they were only like 2px wide!
I have managed to get it into UDK and set up with the emissive etc and its starting to get there. Just need to sort out the numbers mirroring with decals, add some stickers etc to it as well as some wear and tear. I am quite liking the clean look at the moment so I do not want to rough it up too much.
I also need to get some better cube map reflections as well as the mini cloud thing isn't really working as well as it could.
I have been playing around with some of the maps to see how it looks in context.
(Every asset, apart from the Drone, is owned by Epic)
If there is anything that is making you rage (apart from me spamming the thread), please say and I will see if I can sort it out
I don't think I had my head screwed on right when I thought that I would be able to use decals to avoid the inverted mirrored numbers.
I have ticked both the accept static and dynamic decals for the skeletal mesh, yet it still refuses to project.
I am thinking of either removing both the numbers from the wings altogether or replacing them with a mirror friendly number like 8 , but I hope that wouldnt be too much of a obvious workaround.
Can anyone suggest a solution? it is driving me insane haha as it is 07 , then 70 on the other side xD
As for the jagged edges it might be down to the resolution of the images , I will grab some more for you later today. I am in the process of making a really simple environment to plonk it in.
Snader - Now why didn't I think of that?! Great idea, I will see what I can do. Hopefully the polygon Gods do not throw too much seam chaos my direction.
I should hopefully be able to get an update ready today.
I managed to get the entire enviro into 1 2048x2048 sheet.
The diffuse is just a colour blockout at the moment. I am also in the process of adding some decals in to break it up a bit.
Your paint over looks much better, I am really liking the light coming from the panels and the shadows.
I need to do some research into environment lighting as I broke my last scene lol I added a spot light in for each of the panels which burnt out the lighting and I couldn't get rid of the light bake. I even deleted every light in the scene and it stayed baked :O
I also need to find out how to add more colour to the decals as I was trying to get the red the same colour as the stripes on the Drone,
I am now going to focus on finishing up the textures and then creating some sort of camera fly through to show it off.
I found this nice little tutorial about making custom cubemaps but mine doesnt seem to work properly
THe technique I followed starts at about 2 minutes into the vid.
In the newer versions of UDK it doesnt have the RenderToTextureCube so I have had to try using either TextureRenderTarget2D or TextureRenderTargetCube.
I tried using the TextureRenderTarget2D as it created the same green picture that he used in the tut , but I could not apply it to my sphere for some reason
I could apply the TextureRenderTargetCube though , but it created very strange results.
If any of you can offer any suggestions, with regards to both the cubemap and the scene itself, please shout as I am trying get to this finished up today then start some sculpting practice.
I hope you like them