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[3ds Max] Pelt mapping entire character in a single UV island

I've been trying to figure this out on my own, searched high and low on Google images, but I just can't seem to get it right. I am trying to use 3ds Max's pelt mapping to unwrap the entire character's body into a single UV island, like so:


But apparently I just can't get it right no matter how I draw the seams on the character. Any help on this would be much appreciated. Thanks.


  • respawnrt
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    respawnrt polycounter lvl 8
    You might want to search for peel rollout in 3ds max documentation.What you want is not really pelt but Lscm unwrap where you put the seams and magic happens :).
  • ahtiandr
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    ahtiandr polycounter lvl 12
    I personally think this is not good unwrap. There will be much more distortion than if you make several islands. If you are doing this to just avoid many seams then its not necessary because you can fix seams in any 3d painting app very easilly. If you look at majority of unwraps they all have several islands
  • Nash
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    respawnrt: Ack, looks like LSCM is a feature introduced in 2012, which I don't have (I'm on 2010). I've heard of a free tool called Roadkill that does LSCM, I wonder if it works the same... ?

    ahtiandr: I understand, but I find painting a UV map in such a way more "understandable" and easier to visualize since I don't have any access to 3-d painting software...
  • respawnrt
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    respawnrt polycounter lvl 8
    Yup roadkill works the same.But i hope you don't think you paint anything, you only make the edges where you want the folding to take place.So you could use the relax tool in your oldish max
    to do the same thing, only that you would have to planar map the whole thing and break the edges in your uv editor.
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
  • Nash
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    respawnrt wrote: »
    But i hope you don't think you paint anything, you only make the edges where you want the folding to take place.

    Yeah, my bad, my post came out the wrong way. What I really meant to say was, painting a texture with a UV layout like in the OP (single UV island) was what made more sense to me, visually... I have to handpaint my stuff since I don't have a 3-d paint program.

    Psyk0: Thanks! Will take a look at this.
  • respawnrt
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    respawnrt polycounter lvl 8
    Ok i see.So uhm you know blender has all those ? Lscm unwrap, viewport projection painting, and
    viewport projection from 2d app like ps. :) You know what to do :))
  • David Wakelin
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    Can I just ask; I have to UVW map in max too seeing as in terrible with mayas interface here, but I have no idea how to use several uv islands? Do I just only merge together stuff I want on a particular island, I.e flesh merged and accessories on another merge?

    Prob sounds amateur but I'm only a student!

    I have many many more texture questions if someone would like to spend 10 mins answering then please drop me a pm it would be amazingly appreciated!
  • unstoppablex
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    Can I just ask; I have to UVW map in max too seeing as in terrible with mayas interface here, but I have no idea how to use several uv islands? Do I just only merge together stuff I want on a particular island, I.e flesh merged and accessories on another merge?

    you cant make a single uv island of flesh if there not near each other on the mesh(example: feet & hands & face cannot be in one island). you can however make a UV channel for flesh, with many islands, another channel for gear, etc. normally with uv islands you would make it so there is a balance of nearly no stretching, and the UV seams are not noticeable.
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