Hey guys, I wanted to post my portfolio for a few reasons. Critique for the sit itself, critique for assets that I can use for future work, etc etc. Basically I want critique for everything, as I would love a job and can use all the constructive help I can get!
I appreciate any feedback you guys can give me!
Also your work quality seems to be really varying in quality. Some of the sculpts looks great but the knight (something i see among the first things when i visit the site) looks really bad in comparison.
Maybe this is a result of a big time difference between some of the models while others (such as the sculpts) where created moore recently.
As for the knight and such they were created quite a bit ago, which is why the quality would be lessened. Do you think I should remove that and others that don't quite match the quality of other pieces?
Currently working on moving stuff to this site, which I think looks ten times more spiffier than ever before.
Edit: Also I'm fixing the Chameleon so it doesn't drag down my other assets with it
Yes. Your portfolio should represent your current skill level. A good rule of thumb is looking through your artpieces and sorting them into two categories: "Hell yeah" and "not in your portfolio". If the artpieces doesn't fall doesn't fall into the "fuck yeah" category then you shouldn't use it.
Here's progress on fixing one of said poorer quality assets, if anyone has any crits I'd gladly take them.
Some more progress on this guy
Hey guys just wanted to give an update on my dude here, at the texturing phase right now, if ya see anything off feel free to point it out
As for the texture, that's still a work in progress but I can definately work in what you've already mentioned as I go
Here's the chameleon guy, I've pretty much finished him, not so much because he's the best he can be but because I really need to create moar assets. That said I still want critiques for sure, so feel free.
Also here's a "pedastal" thing that he'll be standing on in kind of a "I just snuck out of this door" pose. Still a work in progress, so I could use some critiques on this for sure!
Gee, Thanks Fox
So this happened
My Marmoset Free Trial ended so I have been learning a bit about mental ray these past few days. I like it, though it's quite a bit more complicated I've noticed :poly122:
I think I'm gonna wrap this up and move to some texture only low poly stuff to flush out my portfolio more. What do you guys think?
Here's what it looks like in black and white. On the left is the original, desaturated, and on the right is just a paintover I did
I abused the dodge tool, so that's why there's a lot of wierd bloom stuff. But if you make the backdrop darker and the character brighter, it will look better I think. If there's a dark part of your character, put something light behind it. If there's a bright part on your character, put something dark behind it. It will make him 'pop' more
I'd like to give it a go, is there a way to just flat out make something darker or lighter when it renders?
Other than that nit-pick, your work is looking pretty good.
Also that sharpen filter is pretty useful I'm seeing, thanks for the tip
Portfolio is all updated now, now to think about the next project
Here's my progress so far!