Hello PC
I've been working on this creature for a bit now, posting my progress in this thread (
http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=98266&highlight=summer+projects) hoping to get some feedback.
I have a few more passes to do in this sculpt to bring out surface detail and refine my shapes, but before I went any further I wanted to get some second opinions. Starring at the same piece for a while one tends to look over stuff.
Please all critiques and comments are welcomed!!

Thanks a lot!
Right now, things are looking plain. You need to exaggerate some shapes methinks (muscles)
The concept seems a little odd... I would associate this more with herbivores, like a rhinocerous or elephant. Predators usually have eyes near the front, to focus on their prey, whereas prey will have eyes on the sides, to look out for potential predators. Your concept seems a bit too defensive, with the bony skull and tusk-things. However, he could just be a very defensive predator. Maybe he lives on a planet where there are larger predators and he needs to defend himself. In which case, the eyes seem extremely vulnerable.
No nose and no ears tell me that if his eyes were to get bashed out (which looks pretty easy to do without any protection), he'd be pretty much dead!
Of course, I don't want you to completely change your design, just be sure to keep these things in mind. While you're sculpting, think about what this creature does and how it lives its life.
As a carnivore, those tusks are going to get in the way, since he has a very flat mouth.
Sorry for the long nit-picky post, I'm at home sick with nothing to do
No no, nit picking can be good! The eyes now that you mention definitely do seem vulnerable and the tusks were already something that were worrying me so I will definitely work on those more.
I was thinking that this guy would be on a strange planet with massive creatures so I wanted him to be able to take a good beating (thus the armour plating). The eyes along the side were more for a creepy factor but they too serve the purpose of watching out for other predators. I had originally thought about having the nostrils on the top of the head. The bumpy heart shaped things on each side were originally armoured sacks that inflated and deflated like lungs and at the bottom there would be the nostrils (kinda hard to see in this sculpt cause i haven't added them in yet:P) but hindsight they too seem extremely vulnerable.
I definitely have a lot more to refine. Thanks for the crit!