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Maya Snap/move pivot hotkeys trouble

polycounter lvl 12
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Kyuzo polycounter lvl 12
Hello to all Maya users here

I got some unusual trouble.

I made some changes in hotkey settings(snapping and pivot keys wasn't changed), and after maya restart a find that pressing x/c/v/d and moving don't work anymore O_O.
I'v tried to reset settings and reboot pc, no changes, before hotkey changes i messed around pressing all hotkey variations around WASD, but don't think this can be my problem. Trouble persist in 2012 and in 2013 trial..

Have no idea what can it be. Any help would be appreciated


  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    Hey, it may be stupid to ask, and I'm not even sure it makes a difference with these hotkeys, but is Caps lock on?

    If worse comes to worse, I'd just delete my preferences folder, which typically would fix anything like this, if indeed you changed it.
    Maya has been weird to me lately too. It made the shortcut for undo "Z", until I rebooted. THAT made it tough to work. And now, I'm having an issue with snaps as well. It used to be that if I had many objects selected, it would maintain their positions relative to one another when I was snapping to grid. Now it moves them all into a straight line, or a single point. It's maddening.

    One thing that concerns me, did you install the trial after the problem began? Because I think new installs often borrow the preferences of the previous version, to make it easier for the user. Otherwise, it really shouldn't be carrying over unless it's something like the "Caps-lock" button.

    Excuse the rambling, I'm just excited to have 666 posts.
  • Kyuzo
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    Kyuzo polycounter lvl 12
    CAPS lock is not an issue, it was one of the first i checked, while x/c/v/d pressed, pivot move to state it should be, but while trying to move nothing happens.

    I also rebooted my PC as i noticed in first post. And btw, Caps dont affect these functions, on my home PC it work as intended caps is included or not.

    Deleting preferences folder don't help as well, looks like some OS issue for me. Or not.. don't know, but it break my workflow entirely..
  • Pola
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    Pola polycounter lvl 6
    Deleting preferences should reset all the hotkeys right? So if your custom hotkeys don't work anymore but snapping is still a problem then it might not be Maya's fault.

    On the status line (the row of icons near the top of the screen) you should see some magnets, these let you switch into those snapping modes, this should at least solve your problem partially until you fix the issue.

    @Joopson: Hold the move key (normally w) and left click to bring up a mouse menu, should have the option keep spacing to the right, if its ticked when you move many objects for snapping it'll maintain the offsets, if its not ticked then all objects snap to that point.
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    Thanks Pola, but that didn't work for me. It still snaps them to one point. Weird. The other settings don't seem to do anything either, for my problem.
  • Kyuzo
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    Kyuzo polycounter lvl 12
    Pola wrote: »
    Deleting preferences should reset all the hotkeys right? So if your custom hotkeys don't work anymore but snapping is still a problem then it might not be Maya's fault.

    On the status line (the row of icons near the top of the screen) you should see some magnets, these let you switch into those snapping modes, this should at least solve your problem partially until you fix the issue.

    @Joopson: Hold the move key (normally w) and left click to bring up a mouse menu, should have the option keep spacing to the right, if its ticked when you move many objects for snapping it'll maintain the offsets, if its not ticked then all objects snap to that point.

    Using status line is not an option for me, too much time to turn snap on and off..
    Anyway, i found solution, and it wasn't Maya fault..

    on my notebook _was_ installed some third party software called "Touchpad Blocker", and in some way it began to block snap with shotcurts O_O

    @Joopson, to move multiple objects(not components, there are "Retain component spacing" for them) snapped, the only solution i see is using "Object" Move axis in move tool options.
    But here are some hidden troubles like rotated and not freezed transformations, so u'll see some weird translations, it'll become worse if you use some deformers or constrains and want to keep them.

    but in clean scene with Freezed transformations it will work well.
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    Thanks, Kyuzo, that did the trick! Weird I never had this issue before.
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