Hi everyone!
so on this thread ill post some WIP of a 3D concept that i try to acheive.
the reason of the ROUND 2 in the title is because i tried to design one a couple of months ago and it ended up in the trash!

so this time i cheated a little bit. I started up with a concept of a head that is pretty damn cool and im trying to make the rest of the body to match this concept.
The few ideas that i want to keep while im designing it are:
-i want a good mix of Cloth/mech/organic surfaces
-i want here to be a melee fighter
-right now she has some kind of electric boxing glove and i kinda want to keep something like this
im not in love with any pieces of the design so any suggestion will be highly considered and apprecieted

so heres the concepty im using

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and here is me 3D Concept so far:

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thanks !
Update 1:

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Subscribed and will be following.
Only thing I could suggest is adding seams like in the face of the concept, but to where those circular shapes on her lower rib area are. Loving the cloth mixed with the hard surface metal.
thanks again guys!
Finally, something to think about is if you were to bundle some of the tubes on her back together that would help reduce your final polycount by quite a bit.
All in all this is looking sweet so far! Keep up the good work.
so the main thing i tried are:
-The shape of the gloves to make them looke more like boxing gloves.
-The way the fabrics hang and made it less baggy
-also defined more the armor area of the waist.
one of the area that is causing me alot of trouble is the top of the forarm that i keep changing and cant find anything that i like.
anyway tell me what you think about those small changes.
cant wait to start modeling it!!
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i want to know what you guys think?
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Looks awesome how it is, but I just think maybe that might work out.
I still love her!