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Student: Need help starting

I am a high school sophomore and I would like to receive any advice I can get. I have an idea that a scientist fused the Dna of a Neon tetra (fish) and an iguana and stands like a human. With this idea I would like to first at least try to draw and create this creature in a 3d program. If I can accomplish that I would like to see if I could make an animation with it also. If there is ANY advice or help you can give to me please give it. Thanks in advance!


  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    How much experience in 3D do you have?
    If you know the basics, I'd check out the wiki: http://wiki.polycount.com/

    If not, maybe check out some Digital-tutors tutorials, or SimplyMaya.com, et cetera.
    There are some nice tutorials out there for beginners, so just go to google and search! You'll find plenty of stuff that will help.

    Also, get lots of reference for fish and iguanas, and people too.
  • vreza
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    vreza polycounter lvl 12
    do u really want to learn and execute this yourself?
    if you do, you should pick a 3d package and start watching tutorials for beginners. it might take weeks maybe months, intensively. and sometimes you're gonna think ur learning things unrelated to ur project, but IMO it's very important to have good foundation.

    after u r comfortable with the basics, find tutorials on character or creature modeling. this is naturally more advanced, as ur gonna deal with (basic)anatomy, edge-loop, topology, etc, and thats only for modeling. u can start applying the knowledge from tutorials to ur project and see how it goes.

    but if u just wanna see ur idea comes to life without necessarily doing it yourself, u can commission someone, maybe one of the fellows here.
  • David Wakelin
    Goodluck, you have many many months ahead of you...
  • Mark Dygert
    That is a pretty lofty goal for someone just starting out and probably not something you could pull off on your first project. People have trouble pulling that off after years of practice.

    If your goal is to just see it made then you probably want to work with someone that already knows the programs well and can get it done in a week or two.

    If your goal is to learn 3D then you should probably start with something less ambitious and work your way up. Downloading the trial of the software either max or Maya would get you started. From there I would crack open the tutorials that come with them and start working through the basics.
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Goodluck, you have many many months ahead of you...
    Haha, yeah, definitely. And what a nice way to put it :)

    Learn to walk before you run. You'll probably be like me and finish 10% of the projects you start, but as long as you keep working at it, refining your workflow, and learning new techniques, your skills will advance. You are among giants here, you'll definitely learn a lot just by reading threads and listening.

    PS: I want to praise the OP by pointing out that, even as a sophomore in high school, can actually write intelligent, concise sentences. Good on you. You'll find you're receive more help online that way.
  • David Wakelin
    Stradigos wrote: »
    Haha, yeah, definitely. And what a nice way to put it :)

    Learn to walk before you run. You'll probably be like me and finish 10% of the projects you start, but as long as you keep working at it, refining your workflow, and learning new techniques, your skills will advance. You are among giants here, you'll definitely learn a lot just by reading threads and listening.

    I'm studying at University, and only just getting the hang of this stuff lol. I feel I'm still very very rubbish but I'll get there eventually - just practice ;)
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Hell, I still feel like I'm rubbish. It's probably a trait among all artists. I just keep putting myself in opportunities to learn. Even if a project turns out like shit, I've still gained experience from it by learning from my mistakes. I'm texturing our human model at work for the third time in a year now, but every time I do it, it keeps looking better and better.
  • mccloudman
    Thank you everyone for the help! I will start with learning, and im not sure if i will need help or not. I will most likey start off with something smaller and work my way to something like this for the future. I am also trying to get beter at drawing.
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