Been a while folks, constructive critiques are always good! This is the cyberviking from the Samurai Jack episode with the three blind archers. This isn't an exact recreation, but like I'm taking it in a slightly different direction, again, just starting out, topology is fucked, but I'm focusing more on getting the essence, so crits are always welcome!
You've given yourself a difficult task here translating Genndy Tartakovsky's art into 3d, particularly with such an obscure character. There are almost no images of this character online and the majority of them are from this thread. I wonder whether it might be a project that might be better saved until you've got a good handle of the basics of polygon modelling.
Still, if you're feeling up to persevering with him now, I did find this (and only this):
Tiny though it may be, it gives you a clear idea of the character's proportions and details from the front. Presumbly a higher resolution version of the image exists, but I didin't come across it on a quick search.
Looks like you've got quite a bit of development to do on the body to match Tartakovsky's original.
Jackablade thanks so much for the ref, ha ha, it'd be wonderful if it was bigger! I'm going to tweak it to fit the teh design and take it from there. More updates to come.
Hey guys I know that this is an obscure character but I'd like to finish it regardless. I know that I can make this look good, its just a matter of matching the reference as much as is possible and beyond that, making aesthetic choices that I'm comfortable with.
which is a good thing !
and is pretty lowpoly except for the sword
otherwise ... i have no idea what im looking at
Still, if you're feeling up to persevering with him now, I did find this (and only this):
Tiny though it may be, it gives you a clear idea of the character's proportions and details from the front. Presumbly a higher resolution version of the image exists, but I didin't come across it on a quick search.
Looks like you've got quite a bit of development to do on the body to match Tartakovsky's original.
Did some work to get it closer, more to follow.