I'm working on the high poly for a SIG 552 rifle. I'm about to wrap things up with it and start the low poly soon, but I'm looking for any feedback before I make that jump. I'm a little wary on how some of this detail is going to bake down, so please share some pointers if you have any!
1- Holes are too small, make it bigger like the reference pictures
2- This hole should be more "squarish"
3- There, it shouldn't be flat, there's a tiny slope
4- Make it sharper
5- I think the height is too high, , low it down
6- There's suppose to have a tiny line between them
7- Make it less curvy
Thanks megalmann2000! Good feedback, I'm working on these areas right now. For number 6, those ridges I've placed as a floating piece running along the grip. Will that cause problems when it comes time to bake to the low poly? Usually I just stick to using floating geo for smaller details like bolts and such, but I felt that piece was starting to get a little difficult to work with.
Zakhar2, here's a close up shot of the ejection port.
Ah yes the Sig 552 Commando. One of my personal favorite guns. Anyway I attached some images of the ejection port. I would shorten the length of your pullback (aka the charging bolt) just a tiny bit.
So, I'm currently working on the low poly and I have a fairly general question for you 3D gunsmiths out there. What do you do for the interior of the ejection port and magazine well? I'm assuming you'd want to create some sort of depth to these areas, seeing as they could be visible during animation sequences.
I've been out of town for a few days and haven't had a chance to work on it as much as I'd like. The gun is currently sitting just below 10k tris. I'm not sure what a good estimate for current-gen weapons are, but I feel like I could trim a lot more.
The biggest changes I've made since my last update is adding the internals to the stock (allowing it to fold properly) in both the high and low models. I also topped off the magazine with a couple rounds too. C&C are appreciated! :P
As far as the tris for the gun goes I would say about half of that if not less (I am thinking 3k-4.5k). It is coming along nicely lewist. Excited to see how it looks when it's done.
Working on the normal maps right now, but I keep getting these errors in my bakes. Any idea what's causing this? I'm currently baking in xNormal and previewing in Maya's viewport 2.0.
As far as the tris for the gun goes I would say about half of that if not less (I am thinking 3k-4.5k). It is coming along nicely lewist. Excited to see how it looks when it's done.
- D.Carmine
3k for a modern gen game...?
On what, the Nintendo 3DS? Come on man, 10k is pretty spot on for what this does.
For whatever reason I thought this weapon would be in a 3rd person shooter. If it was than it should be low. 3rd person games need to be lower because the engine is also rendering a character on screen.
are those faces perfectly flat or match the high poly? I'm not exactly an expert on the matter but it could be one factor causing it, if not you may want to try hardening the inner edge's normals or throwing a control loop in there and see if that fixes it, it'd be better to try and sort it in the low poly rather than have to paint it out, this is looking fantastic by the way
@ mazz423 - I doubled checked the meshes and the cage. Everything looks good. I've already got an additional loop running through the area to give some support, but no change.
@ dudealan2001 - I chalked this up to a display issue at first. That would have been nice, but I am getting the same error in Marmoset & xNormal's 3d preview.
@ Selaznog - Despite how much I would like to just 'shop it, it's not the right course of action. It will just make more work for every revision or other bad bake.
I did some digging around on this issue. Southpaw Sid was on the money. It seems these X-shaped errors occur when xNormal would split a quad differently than Maya. This is why you would manually triangulate before exporting your mesh. This makes sense - except every time I use a triangulated mesh in xNormal, my normal map comes out looking worse.
Have you tried baking in Maya to see what happens?
Also, if your sure the problem is not from the topology, then try unlocking the normals, average everything, then redo the smoothing groups.
Just as a test, for a small, low poly piece like that, you could just remodel it really quickly and transfer UVs. That would at least show you if the problem is in the model and narrow down the list of suspects.
In Max, I export my lowpoly meshes to xnormal's SBM format with an Edit Mesh modifier stuck between the Editable Poly and the (Cage) Projection - maybe there's a similar way to triangulate in Maya? Or you could export to FBX, which supports both triangulation and tangent export in its newer versions..
1- Holes are too small, make it bigger like the reference pictures
2- This hole should be more "squarish"
3- There, it shouldn't be flat, there's a tiny slope
4- Make it sharper
5- I think the height is too high, , low it down
6- There's suppose to have a tiny line between them
7- Make it less curvy
Hope it helps!
Zakhar2, here's a close up shot of the ejection port.
Secondly, on your gun the bottom part seems to pop out waaaay too much when compared with this image:
Here is a link to where I got the images: http://www.pixagogo.com/4723744946
Keep it up!
- D. Carmine
I don't understand
The biggest changes I've made since my last update is adding the internals to the stock (allowing it to fold properly) in both the high and low models. I also topped off the magazine with a couple rounds too. C&C are appreciated! :P
- D.Carmine
3k for a modern gen game...?
On what, the Nintendo 3DS? Come on man, 10k is pretty spot on for what this does.
For whatever reason I thought this weapon would be in a 3rd person shooter. If it was than it should be low. 3rd person games need to be lower because the engine is also rendering a character on screen.
If It is going to be for an FPS than 10k is fine.
- D. Carmine
@ dudealan2001 - I chalked this up to a display issue at first. That would have been nice, but I am getting the same error in Marmoset & xNormal's 3d preview.
@ Selaznog - Despite how much I would like to just 'shop it, it's not the right course of action. It will just make more work for every revision or other bad bake.
I did some digging around on this issue. Southpaw Sid was on the money. It seems these X-shaped errors occur when xNormal would split a quad differently than Maya. This is why you would manually triangulate before exporting your mesh. This makes sense - except every time I use a triangulated mesh in xNormal, my normal map comes out looking worse.
Also, if your sure the problem is not from the topology, then try unlocking the normals, average everything, then redo the smoothing groups.
Just as a test, for a small, low poly piece like that, you could just remodel it really quickly and transfer UVs. That would at least show you if the problem is in the model and narrow down the list of suspects.
You could upload a small portion of you mesh and we can try and see if there's problems on our ends to. For example just that one button your showing.