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Abomination -WIP-

Hi guys,
I'm working on a character which I am hoping to develop and get into game eventually.

My character named "Abomination" has so far been influenced by characters like the Jailer from Darksiders, the Dead Space Necromorphs and the charger from left for dead.

The aim is to get him looking hulking, grotesque by the end. Here is my concept so far, any feedback/ideas would be appreciated. pO0WF.jpg


  • anarcy
    your drawings are good but you should think about the character nature, like how did it become to be an abomination and his personality/job.

    but great silhouette work
  • Pyro899
    Thanks for pointing that out anarcy! it really helped me to think about the character and develop him a little more.

    So here it is....
    Abomination is the disfigured shell of what was a barbaric warrior on the quest for hidden treasures....treasures that are cursed. Due to his greed and the curse, it binds him to the treasures and the tomb which contains it. With each day the curse twists his mind and his body turning him into....The ABOMINATION! dun dun dunnnnn.

    With that in mind now i moved on to the colouring. My final concept ended up being a mixture of concept 1 & 3, the face and blisters of concept 1 and the armour of concept 3.


    Im finding it hard to settle on one, so ill come back with fresh eyes and hopefully that helps!
  • uncle
    Give them numbers.
  • Pyro899
    Here they are numbered.


    Coming back and looking at them numbered im really digging 3, 4 and 7. I suppose i dont really have to choose until i get to the texturing stage though..
  • Darkleopard
    I like 2 and 3 the best.
  • joshA
    i say 4,6 and 3 good job
  • Pyro899
    Started my orthographic views today and this is as far as i could get. I'm hoping to get the other views of the armour pieces done and draw in some rough topology lines to model to for monday when i start making the base mesh.

  • joshA
    is it me or does its hips from front to side look off
    the side of its feet seem flat but thats just me
    your doing a good job keep it up
  • Selaznog
    Offline / Send Message
    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Go with number 4 for sure. The purple/yellow is a nice mix. Personally I would make the right arm smaller and more human sized, just to show the Abomination's origins a bit. That would contrast well with the bloated, pestule and blister filled right arm :P
  • ClamJam
    i like 4, in my opinion the juxtapoisiton between colours makes it more appealing to the eye.
  • njc6425
    I really like the design here, and the process youve gone through. I see a lot of people that just do a concept and go "all done!" nice to see an iterative process haha. For the colours i really like 7 (to be different haha) the colours scheme is very complimentary to each other and it feels more visually appealing to look at. I like how youve placed the shoulder guard on the opposite side of the infected arm, nice asymetry :) If i had any gripes it would be that the arm guard and belt seem a little boring? I sorta get the style of armor your going for, but the shoulder guard is interesting without being too unrealistic and fantastical whereas the belt and arm guard are just slabs of metal

    looking good so far though :)
  • Pyro899
    Its been a few days since i have posted something so here's where i am at. So after deciding that a low to high workflow was the way to go in my concepting stage, i started modelling. I then realised that high to low was going to be way better!

    It means retopo-ing at a later stage, (which i haven't done before) but getting the mass and detail in the shoulder was going to be so much easier to sculpt in zbrush rather than modelling it.

    After about 2 hours of pulling and pushing with the move tool i finally got close to my base shape and can move onto more details. The left hand is way too flat, right arm lacks shape and the feet look like paddles but here's what i got:

  • uncle
    As for colour scheme - 2,3,4 for me.

    As for sculpt - remember to pay close attention to anatomy even tho the guy is monstrous. He can turn out blobby/not really realistic if you jump into detail too early. Work on the forms, check reference a lot and it's gonna be good.
  • Dnna1
    Start slowly are interested in this.www.cleaningcassette.com
  • njc6425
    good block out :) as uncle said, keep anatomy in mind, even though he is monstrous his infected arm should be the same length as the normal one, if the infection is affecting the arms position then the monster should have a lean in that direction or some pull from the joints, atm its a short arm, a long arm and a massive lump (could be an interesting tv show? lol) even in your concept the arms are the same length :)

    Keep up the good work :)
  • Pyro899
    So here is some more sculpting work! All very small baby steps and not getting as much done as i would like at the moment but i'm planning to smash this sculpt all this week.

    Thanks a lot for all the critiques/feedback on this project! It really helps to pick up on the things you dont see after staring at it for hours on end.
    I've added a few features in while still in dynamesh mode, the skin growing over the skulls on his shoulder and added some broken spine pieces coming out of his back to make it look a little more exciting. I also shortened the infected arm and defined his right arm a little more.

    By doing this i hopefully have ruined his chances of starring in njc6425's new sitcom lol :). Thanks again for the feedback!

  • Pyro899
    Ok so its been a while since i posted my progress on here. Here is the progress on the sculpt and the texture that i chose. Strayed pretty far from my original colour schemes and ideas but i think it works...doesn't follow the cliche palette of rotting browns and greens that would normally be associated with the character. Not sure if that's a good thing though :poly122:

    Now i am working on getting the textures working on my character in game and the rig. Pushing it really close to the assignment deadline but fingers crossed!!

  • johnicus
    I would lighten up the green or come in with a lighter shade of green to pop out some of the details and add some variation in tones, because it's hard to see all of the hard work you put into the sculpt due to that dark green swallowing up all the details. Really nice work, though. Keep us updated! :)
  • Steve Schulze
    Offline / Send Message
    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    He's looking quite good at this stage, but I think you could improve him quite a bit by dropping down a few subdivision levels and developing the forms a bit more in a few places. The craggier details you had on the tumourous growth in your concept looked pretty good.

    Texture-wise, I think you need more variation. Picking out the tumour with either a lighter or darker colour that blends back into the rest of the body as you had on some of your colour tests would likely work well. I think you also need to pick the face out some how as it's a little lost alongside the high contrast of the skulls and pustules.
  • Pyro899
    Hi all,
    It's once again been a while since i have posted anything on the project. The assignment was due on Wednesday so i had been working crazily to get it to a submit-table level.

    This is where i got with Abomination, which ironically almost turned out that way :P

    Rendered in Marmoset


    Things i'm not happy with:
    - the face (which turned out low res because i did not optimise my UV space after using 3d coat to unwrap *face palm*)

    - i didnt get to add any of the accessories, even though i quite like how he looks without them.

    - The texturing overall looks really flat and he looks way to clean for my liking.

    There is a chance for resubmission in a weeks time so im hoping to improve on all these things and get it looking sexy. Thanks again to anyone who contributed with feedback or even glanced at this page. This is my first (and hopefully not my last) thread on polycount and im not completely shattered or scared........yet. lol
  • Pyro899
    Here's is a link to the turnaround of Abomination which was also rendered out using marmoset.

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