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Blender nodesetup help needed

polycounter lvl 5
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a-k-m polycounter lvl 5

I am painting my terrains Texture with vertex paints like in this example:

Originally this comes from the game Bueraki from Bananaft made in Blender.

Now my problem is, when I am using this, my textures look decolorized or too bright.
Please take a look at my screenshot:

Does someone know what could be causing this?

Hope someone can help me out.

Thanks, Andr


  • Lamoot
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamoot polycounter lvl 7
    Looks like flat-shaded look, meaning the textures aren't getting any lighting info at all. On the first example you posted, there's a material node multiplying the textures and should look fine.

    On your second example, you can see how the material node isn't connected to the whole node setup. Add a mix node with multiply and as input add the material node + what's currently going into output node, then use this as your output.
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