Hi all
First time poster, My Name is Damien Doulman and Like a few others who have posted here, we're modelling a character for our current assignment. For this we were given a 12k to 15k maximum limit.
As mentioned in the title I have decided to model the goddess of digital storage. After looking through a few ideas (Japanese, Greek, Egyptian styles), I came across a picture of Freya thought this would work best for the image I had in my head.
Taking that inspiration I ended up with the concept art below.

The one on the left is just a testing of ideas, nothing in proportion etc. just to get a feel / idea for how she will look.
Image on the right is my attempt at posing it to give her a bit more character and to take a small step closer to something slightly more realistic.
Below is the orthographic representation that is still WIP

* Her chest armour is built out of CDs/DVDs.
* The skirt is made out of 3 1/4 inch floppy disks.
* The hair is meant to be cloudy to represent cloud based storage, not quite sure how well it turned out here but will probably be easier to see when I start modelling.
* Her weapon and shield is a Internal Hard disk and spear.
* The pauldrons and Boots/shin-guards are meant to be rom boards
* USB stick necklace
* Gameboy cartridge belt buckle
Colour Scheme
Still not 100% final but I'm liking the green, gold and brown so far as being the 3 main colours. Partly because they work together but also as they tend to harken back to traditional viking colours.
Ideas still toying with putting in
* Traditional Valkeryie helmut but instead of feathers have fibre optic cables instead.
* adding a sword
* Making the cape a flexible storage medium.
That is it so far, I will stress most of this is still work in progress. Open to ideas and suggestions, however the only definite is the body shape in my orthograph (well ok perhaps minor changes), face hasn't really been finalised however. Thankyou for taking the time to at least have a look.
added colour to the other poses and added rough sizes for spear and shield.
Speaking of the shield the embossed cat side is meant to be the front.
Also made the side and rear orthograph have blond hair to see the contrast between the brown and blond to see if it works better for the cloud hair.
Was hoping to start modelling sooner but the concept is taking a bit longer than expected but it should make modelling easier when done.
Tried out a look with wearing the helmut. Still undecided but looks good.
Now that you mention it the colour scheme does remind me a little of some of the old Atari ST games I played as a young lad.
If she gets a belt it could be a cassette tape for a buckle
She could have a thor's hammer that'd look like a huge CAT5 cable that would lightning down binary from "The Cloud" too
I'm already having the belt buckle itself as a gameboy cartridge, however your suggestion of the tape gives me the idea of perhaps using them as wrist guards, which I'll add it I have time.
The hammer idea is cool but it strays a little too much from the Freya idea despite its strong Viking feel. Perhaps in the future if I ever do a Viking God.
Perhaps a CAT5 cable armlet?
Currently doing a low to high pipeline hence why the model looks a bit boxy at the moment. Just rechecking topology before going further.
basically finished the body, however still undecided over the topology and I'm toying with redoing it.
Hands have been done but aren't sown onto the body yet.
The skirt is made from planes from the belt at the moment, with them splitting off roughly 1/2 way down to get that battledress swish effect.
Shin guard is just a simple taurus I split at the endand filled in.
The head itself I'm happier with and doesn't seem too bad but obviously I still need practise (then again don't we all). The helmet came out pretty well. Still have to add the hair and poly planes for the "wings" on the helmet. The front part of the helmet as seen in the concept needs to be added as well.
Interesting, I may have to double check the reference planes and the source that was based on to make sure they're ok.
The chin itself I was (at this stage) planning bake in using normals, same with a few of the face details (lines etc). The bit at the end of the helmet seems right by my reference but all that blank space was where the hair was going to come out from. Admittedly faces have never been my strong point and will always be something I need to work on.
The plan for the chest itself is the shape I want it with the armour on not just model her naked then model clothes on it but that website you sent me may be useful to see how well its working.
The illusion of leaning forward could be due to the skirt (see above in a previous version of the model for how the hips and black flow). Either way, after thinking about it I will definitely retopologise the body so the head will fit better on the body and so it flows better.
As always more practise in general, thanks for the link, it will be handy and thanks for the input
Look at the head. Have you ever seen anyone with bulges around the eyes like that? She might be a warrior and a dork to boot, but she looks like shes been beaten with a hammer every single day of her ugly life.
Likewise the body shape is all wrong. I think you need to be walking before you run. Start again, and do some learning before you start mashing polygons. I am sure you can do much better than that if you have the right technique.
On the plus side, the side of her leg looks ok!
Not the front tho
or the back
Go directly here:
And then here:
Once you have the topology right youll find it much easier to work on. Its pretty much critical to character art, so you need to learn it.
And redo your concept man, if you cant draw then paint over a pose you like or on a character sheet.
Sorry to be harsh but well, this is Polycount......
This isn't a dig towards you btw, but one against 'the system' which just doesn't work.
Yea my school makes us take intro sketching, intro to figure drawing, sculpture, and figure sculpture before the main 3D modeling classes.
Now to move onto head, surfacing and a quick retopo to lower its stupidly high polycount.
True I agree with that as that's how I started, then I went off on a tangent, mainly for my own curiosity to see learn how to get the shape right, thus why I over endulged and went overboard with polys. Now I do know body shape a bit better I can work on being more efficient.
Hmm interesting, never would of thought about starting from the foot, instead of the torso. Will definately give it a try after this project.
Yeah the hands do a little , just more tweaking. Arms seem right by my reference but I'll see after I increase hand size and adjust accordingly.
tbh so far the anatomy looks like he just wings it.. i doubt he has any reasonable reference.
For the new anatomy design basically