After updating my portfolio with some personal work i've done over the last year i realised i don't have any non stylized more realistic characters in there.
after finding this
concept earlier today
by Kory Hubbel i decided to start making it in 3d
step1: Blockout wip:
Just trying to define all te masses roughly and then go in and define some of the separate shapes. This will be used as a reference for modeling the highpoly pieces.

i'll be working on this daily after work and i'll do a daily update here too
c&c is more than welcome

Eager to see where you take it.
just a small update from the blocking still needs a lot of stuff blocked in so i can start modeling.
Can't wait to see the result
Maybe a small question about your workflow. I know it's a blockout right now, but your hard surface pieces seem a bit organic, like you sculpted them. Am I right?? Because I'm use to do the base mesh of stuff like that in max and then sculpt in details. If it is sculpted out of a box for example, do you use it to make the new stylized pieces or do you continue working on them?
But... keep it up!!!! Cheers!
I'll probably draw some basic topology for the final shapes ontop of the blockout and then use those as a base to model from.
The clothparts will get a different sculpting mesh base so in the end none of this is used in the final model itself
Hope to see more of this!
Step 2: Modeling
So i took the blockout and drew some polygons over it so i knew were my pieces were going to be , some shapes i could already add a little more geometry in the retop but most of them i'm going to have to model piece by piece
on the blockout seems the feet are rotated out too far, or maybe the kneepad is on crooked?
another shot of the modeling process, taking some liberties with the details
also going to scale up some of those tiny details, i'm not sure what mapsize it's going to be on yet (2k perhaps) but in relation they are pretty small.
not much to post atm since i'm waiting for my new laptop to arrive so i can properly work on this model. I'm going to try and reevaluate all of the pieces i've already done so it matches the concept better