This is my first post here - :-)
So I'm working on a computer console for a full ship interior that I'm working on.

Here's a render from Max. I've got a normal map baked from a high poly and I've done a basic color map in Photoshop. The console is Star Trek-esq, but it's not meant to be related.

I haven't gotten to the spec map but right now I'm trying to get the alpha map working in UDK correctly. Perhaps someone can help me out here.
This is the diffuse map:

And the alpha:

Now I'm having difficulty figuring out how to do a transparency mask in UDK. It's either comes off as completely transparent or the whole thing translucent. Any ideas?
This is what I have in UDK:

Right now your textures are looking pretty plain and boring (no offense!). That control panel just isn't as interesting as I think you could make it to be. Are you using and reference images?
When I try the method you suggested, it makes the whole texture translucent.
As for the complexity, it is a WIP. I didn't use any particular reference, but the LCARS system from Star Trek is where I got the inspiration. I need to definitely add a lot more detail and complexity for sure. This is what I'm going for:
1. Grab some reference of some computer consoles.
2. Build a 'frame' for your screen. Right now the object looks to flat on top. Dont have your buttons/computer image hitting the edge of your object. There needs to be a frame around it seperating it from the edge.
3. Need a little work on some material definition. A spec map will help greatly with that when you get around to making one.
4. Really think about the function of the object. And about how its shapped. Was that shape just a random one you came up with? Most screens are normally square/rectangle. Ask yourself some questions about its function.
Eg: 1. What is it meant to do - Its meant to be a touch screen computer
2. How does it do it? - Computers have panels and latches and other things to be able to access wiring and circuits. Where are the panels?
3. What is it made of? - If its metal it needs panel seams, bolts etc to be able to be put together
As soon as i started thinking about the function of my items i created, it got so much easier to make good looking stuff. Keep up the hard work!
Right now the panels you are looking at aren't aesthetically pleasing at all... I would not want to work on that computer.
This is one from Star Wars. I'm not saying copy it, but see how the lines are very crisp and clean?
The ones you have as reference look very dated...Like those interfaces we had back in early 2000's. Maybe it's just the style you're going for though, in which case don't mind me (:
Thanks for the extensive feedback. So in regards to your points, I'll work on implementing your ideas. As for the shape though, it's meant to be at hand level for someone sitting down. I wanted to do something a little ergonomic, rather than a usual rectangle. It is a touch screen - this interface in particular is for weapons targeting and I wanted to focus on that core functionality. I'll work on getting more bolts and wiring.
Selaznog, I was kind of going for the 2000s look, but I like your example. I have a lot of detail to still put in. The universe this is from is of my own creation (and the language of the symbols), it's meant to be a highly cultured and advanced alien race. They are focused on exploring, but have means to defend themselves.
I'll work on improving this and post updates along the way. Thanks again for all the feedback and suggestions.