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Shotgun Revolver

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dproeder polycounter lvl 5


I've had this concept my roommate drew a year ago. Gonna make it. I'm going to Bake out the normals, then Hand Paint it for that toonsy look.


Work So Far:


  • Ghostman511
    Looking pretty good! My only suggestion which is from a functionality standpoint is that the barrel doesn't line up with the revolving chamber. Take a look at some reference for a revolver and u'll see what I mean. U just need to raise the revolving chamber so it lines up, and maybe make it a little bigger, adds that intimidation factor. Other then that looking pretty spiffy!
  • joshA
    that looks sweet!!! but i feel you should give more detail on the handle
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    Update. Redid the Handle and lifted the revolving chamber up.



  • joshA
    that looks much better hope to see it textured
  • Rednaz
    -The trigger looks kinda small, i would be afraid to break it while firing the gun :p
    -I think the sight could be a bit thinner, which would make the gun more accurate
    Cool design tho, im curious how you're going to texture it :)
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    Real Time Renders in Marmoset




    Wireframes 1300 tris exactly



    UV Layout and Normal Map 512 x 256 resolution (also had an AO map applied in the renders).

  • joshA
    it coming along nicely keep it up and hope to see it textured soon
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    First Pass at Textures.


  • mr_ace
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    mr_ace polycounter lvl 9
    hey man, as it looks like you're pretty far on your way with wrapping this up, I'll give you some advice for your next weapon project that's important for everything you turn your hand to:

    Think your design out more thoroughly!

    I know this is your friends design, but you still need to give a lot of care to the design of things you make. I'm not sure if you know a huge amount about guns but there's some fundamental issues with the design, and this makes the weapon feel less believable. Here's the issues I see:

    - The diameter of the barrel is much larger than the diameter of the chambers, and that doesn't make sense.

    - As someones pointed out above, the revolving section doesn't really look like it lines up with the barrel.

    - How is this gun reloaded? The revolving chamber is enclosed at the top and therefore couldn't come out the side, nor does there appear to be a mechanism for allowing to do so, and it appears sealed in the bottom too.

    - How is the chamber rotated? On a revolver pistol the trigger action or pulling the hammer pack rotates the chamber. This gun has no visible hammer, and the force with which you'd have to pull the trigger in order for it to rotate and arm a massive shotgun cylinder would be incredibly impractical.

    - it's hard to see from this angle, but i don't understand how that sight functions.

    There's no parts that look like they move, such as any method of cocking or arming the gun, nor any safetrys, or releases etc

    The reason I say all this is what sells not only a weapon design, but also a weapon model is paying very careful attention to everything relating to what it is and how it works. Whether it's thinking out exactly how a gun operates in order to think up a good belivable design, or texturing the gun and considering how it's operation might cause certain parts to be scratched or certain residue or dirt to appear on other parts.

    Anyway, hpe that helps with your future projects
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    mr_ace- The concept was drawn (not by me) for a cartoon character in a 3dBbeat em up. All your suggestions are spot on, and I thought about each issue you listed. But this is not a photo realistic gun for a FPS. Its a weekend study on a cartoon gun seen mostly from middle ground distance. Thanks for taking the time to stress these points though, for they are surely things I will need to consider in future diddys.
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    Finished Product.

  • joshA
    awesome looking gun but the specular map(if thats is a spec map) needs work, im just not seeing it as a metal material
  • njc6425
    Hey man good job modelling and texturing :) a nice little prop for your folio :D
    A few gripes though: It feels like your texturing and modelling arent working together, the weapon itself is very realistic in its proportions and the texturing is too to some degree. It feels inconsistent, not fully cartoony, however i am unsure what style of cartoon you are going for so what im saying could be superfluous haha. I think you should tweak the spec map a little bit, i like the greenish tinge the barrel is getting off the highlight but apart from that it appears really flat. For instance the handle has no spec but id presume it would have some, if its leather? it should have a greenish/blueish tinge to the spec.

    However im nitpicking here, good job mate and a definite keeper for the folio :)

    keep up the good work
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    Took the critiques under review and made changes accordingly. I stylized the grit texture on the diffuse a bit, reworked the handle grip, and added normal mapping of damage and hand grip using crazy bump. I reworked the specular so it pops more, and I added some tinges of red to create some color variation. I think it looks a bit more stylized with these adjustments.

  • joshA
    that looks much better then the last one
    i can see what the materials are
    you did a good job and thats all i can say
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    JoshA- I really appreciate taking a vested interest in this piece. Your feedback has been very valuable in helping me push this piece to completion.

    And thanks to everyone else who added their critiques as well! =)
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