This is a school project for the egyptian demon Ammit, The Devourer of Souls : a demon with a body that was part
hippo and
i went with a cartoon Disney version for simplicity and to keep with the color scheme of the group.
I cant take all credit for the concept i found a lot of different ideas and concepts and have mashed them together and stylized to get what i like

this was a quick mash up of a few concepts i found online already i thought of a fat pug like demon that was strong and monstrous looking
but i felt it needed to look more posh so i made it a bit taller and some defined areas i.e croc head, hippo back legs, lion front

This design seemed to look the most fun to build and show off for a portfolio
COLOR is not final
Please leave feed back and i will keep updating as i go
note: note the best artist :P
Only thing i could suggest, is that the character is very crocodile looking and doesn't show many features of the other animals besides body shape. Try incorporation more features from the other animals to show the mixture, like the mane of the lion going down the neck where you have the brown scales or something.
Courtesy of google:
I also agree with Pyro, the other animal features need to look like the animal it comes from.
Make sure that your lion and hippo feat match those animals also
i broke up the legs more he has a croc heal and spine a hippo body with a lions feet and chest dot worrie theirs no snake tounge just forgot to remove it from the sketches
i started a quick model i was hoping to get some feed back on topology as that is my weakest