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Sketchbook: EtotheRic

polycounter lvl 18
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EtotheRic polycounter lvl 18
Feel free to make whatever crits and comments you want to. You can also just shoot the shit.

So I've been working some more on my original concept. I'm shooting for a cinematic character with pushed proportions.

Concept after some rework and refinement:
Model progress
I've been making a lot of custom brushes and alphas and establishing the aesthetic and level of detail I want to achieve.


  • allmighty_thunder
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    allmighty_thunder polycounter lvl 13
    why does the top of the boot at the foot bow outwards, that doesnt seem natural, i not that way in your concept either
  • EtotheRic
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    EtotheRic polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the feedback. I want them to have some angularity to them but I think I went a bit too much in that direction. Now I think a bit too little.

    Spent some more time working on level of detail stuff.
  • EtotheRic
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    EtotheRic polycounter lvl 18
    That gal is on hold for a bit. I was stumped what to do with it but I have a pretty solid idea what I want to do once I get back to work on her. In the meantime, a bird nerd. Inspired by a pet parrot, who I believe is descended from a dorkasaur.

    Lewis Beaknick
    Scared of:
    -cardboard boxes
    -things that move
    -anything unusual


    Feather test

    Finished sculpt
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