Hey! we just started to have speedmodel sessions at the studio where I have my internship and I thought I could share the results. I will try to get the others posting some images aswell

Time for this one was 2.5 hours highpoly,lowpoly and textures.
We were allowed to give the texture some more character than the reference. feel free to feedback or tips

first session was to choose from 4 different props with a tricount of max 500tris
I choose this one:

Work, rendered in Marmoset

it came out abit flat compared to a real airconditioner :P
As you said a bit flat but I did not notice on the first look.
I'll get my "metal box" up soon as well.
It really was rushed. Shortest 2.5 hours ever!
haha nice fearian! It felt very wierd watching my prop on your screen
2.5 hours in an I've barely finished the HP - leaving alot of stuff I thought I'd have time to model! Well done on your time! :P
Gonna go eat then do a low poly.
Fearian: I think I would have taken more time to do my prop too if didn't have 4
guys in the same room shouting "im soon done! How far have you come?!"
it quickly became more of a challenge, haha.
I think I'm going to have to do more practice like this.
yeah Ive lerned tons! we are going to have another 2 hour session tonight at 5. looking forward to see what props we get this time