Hey everyone!
I ama about to start creating a character for a uni assignment, my workflow (Just foir your info) will be:
1) Zsphere Base
2) Dynamesh
3) Sculpt to Mid detail
4) Retop
5) Rig and skin
6) Sculpt to final level
7) Texture
8) Generate Maps
9) Piece together
Unfortunatly the rig and skin step is a requirement for the assignment so that cant be changed, however I have a few qualms with some of the features of zbrush that ive personally never touched before and would like some help

I have never used dynamesh before, i understand how to convert a mesh into a dynamesh but that is the extent of my knowlege, i was just wondering if there are any key aspects to using dynamesh that i should be aware of before using it?
Has anyone retopoed inside of zbrush before? I was planning on using 3d coat but id prefer to stay within the one program if possible so if anyone has any info on zbrush retop thatd be great

Now for my main question haha, My character is going to be an alien like insect and the mouth is going to be quite massive and elaborate in design (just to make things harder for myself haha) something id like to do would be to have two states of my mesh, a closed mouth version and an open mouth version so that if i sculpt the interior of the mouth the detail will carry over the the closed mouth version and vice versa (if this makes sense). I understand how to use 3d layers (though ive never used them) and the timline i also understand, after thinking about it for a while these were the only two features inside of zbrush that i could think of that could help me achieve this, but I have no idea how to go about it so i need help!!!!!!!!!!! haha.
If you managed to get through all that awesome

Any help would be great!!!
this is the link to my character thread for anyone who is interested

crits there would be great too

Cheers in advance
Oh good GOd, just saw the creature you're working on. Keep that evil thing away from me!
and as for Generate maps I use X nrms