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Optinium Zbrush WIP

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Optinium polycounter
Hey guys this is my first Zbrush Character Sculpt, still a WIP. It's for a university assignment so feedback and critique welcomed.



  • Optinium
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    Optinium polycounter
    Detailing the torso abit more, feedback welcome.


  • Optinium
  • _DeadPixel_
    Hey man, good effort so far.
    I think the only real problem is the mesh looking too "lumpy", a way to avoid that is to block most of the anatomy in using a lower subD level.
    Anatomically speaking, the mid torso looks a little too curved a male, we're usually more "straight".
    Shoulders look really large and the biceps really small.
    The sternomastoid muscles in his neck look really defined and bend inwards.
    Facially, the cheeks look too high, chin too narrow, jaw could be strengthened and nose / nostrils need a lil work, specially the bridge.
    A good source of reference for muscly guys is to check out some female body builders. Women body builders tend to have less mass than males so look a lot more cut.

    But like I said, good effort so far, keep at it dude!
  • Optinium
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    Optinium polycounter
    Thanks for the feedback. The forms were dropped in at lower div's the 'lumpy' look was me trying to randomise it abit with some really soft brushes.

    As for the sternomastoids, nose, chin etc... are you referring to the latest images or the ones above that? As the face and neck area have had some work done to it. Ty again for the FB^^
  • njc6425
    Looking good man, love the latest update. such an improvement from the base colours :). Seems to be something going on with neck (disproportionate) can you upload an image of the body and head minus the hair by any chance? my comment may be incorrect haha great job so far though
  • Optinium
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    Optinium polycounter
    Thanks njc6425

    Following is a pic of the head and torso without hair. He is 8.5 heads in height with each shoulder the same width as one head to. The extra height I poured into the chest and legs give give him a more heroic/imposing proportion. again feedback welcome ^^
  • njc6425
    ah cheers that helps a lot haha, it doesnt look as bad as i thought which is good :) i still feel the head is a little high but like you said you threw in the extra height into the torso to make it feel more like a heroic character :)
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