Hello there,
This is my sewer scene inside UDK. This is my first scene inside UDK, usually I make props and vehicles etc.

As you can see It's a lot inspired by mirror's edge ( I love that game ).
In my opinion the scene isn't finished yet and I need your advices to improve it.
Thanks by advance !
I would also suggest that you look out for your specular levels. The whole place looks like it got flooded a few minutes ago. ^^
How did you go about getting the water to flow round the bend?
If you used a Flow Map, what was your creation method?
In terms of the area's simplicity, I reckon some yellow railings running along the water's edge and some more piping should create a nice contrast
For the water I'm using the flow map techniques that valve used in L4D and Portal 2.
To create the flow map texture I've used 3ds Max and I edited the normals of my water plane and then back my normal map and remove the blue channel.
this may be of some interest to you, really simplifies things, when it works. little incomplete and buggy atm, but it is still actively being developed, so should get polished off at some point.
Chears @passerby
I'm making a door too.
or this
http://www.flickr.com/groups/nikon_d90_d40_users_group_/discuss/72157624119582801/ - Found that discussion thread really useful before.
This looks awesome! Subscribed.
scotthomer : Thank you for the comment and the article, very interresting.
Habboi : what do you mean by a trim? A mesh or just a texture ? Thanks !
Fomori : Thanks ! Yes it is
Regarding your suggestions I came up with this :
But those railings look slpendiferous
SirCalalot : Well I like it that way for now but it is not fixed yet. Thanks !
It definitely adds to the scene.
Like garlic in a meal
Hope you like it and thank you again for all the feedbacks !
Nice scene, definitely Mirrors edge influenced. Good work!