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how to split mesh in zbrush?

polycounter lvl 8
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Olli. polycounter lvl 8
I have a single mesh, which has like a crack in the middle, and i want to split it in to two seperate objects. Ive tried remeshing with a intersection boolean but that just makes my model a big blob (and i want to preserve my details)

how can i do this?


  • Bal
    Offline / Send Message
    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    Depends what your workflow is.
    If your subtool is dynamesh, you can just turn on the "Group" button in the Dynamesh menu, then use the SliceCurve brush to cut right through it (then regenerate your dynamesh), it'll create two separate meshes (but still one subtool), it's a really quick way to cut off pieces of dynamesh for further work.
    Otherwise you can also just duplicate your object, hide half, delete hidden, and do the same for the other half on the original object.
  • Olli.
    Offline / Send Message
    Olli. polycounter lvl 8
    yeah ok i ended up hiding half my mesh with polygroups, but now i have a big hole in my mesh..how can i fill the hole?
  • Olli.
    Offline / Send Message
    Olli. polycounter lvl 8
    i tried the close holes button, and that worked to some degree but i cant smooth some of the edges for some reason.. anyone know how to smooth them?

  • Bal
    Offline / Send Message
    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    When you "close holes" it creates a new polygroup for the extra faces, you should be able to smooth them fine though, unless you have "Mask By Polygroups" set really high in your brush settings.
  • Olli.
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    Olli. polycounter lvl 8
    mask by polygroups is set to 0..

    most of the seams smooth out fine, but some just become spiky when i try to smooth them :(

  • mdeforge
    Offline / Send Message
    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Sounds like something that Max/Maya would be better for? Use GoZ to send it to either and then send it back.
  • Bal
    Offline / Send Message
    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    the topology created by close hole isn't really very clean, you might want to regenerate your dynamesh if that's what you're doing. But yeah if you want really precise results, going back to Max/Maya for some clean modeling is proably your best bet... Really depends on the context.
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