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CgWorkshop, have anyone attend it?

Hey guys, planning to take some course from CgWorkshop, especially from Katon Callaway
Iconic Heroine Design and Creation Sze Jones,3D Creature Sculpting Bryan Wynia.

Is these workshop are worth to pay for? I really really want to see a tutorial from full industry production, and whole pipeline, from planning to modeling, uv, texturing etc,and of course to learn from real professional, not wannabe Digital tutors, i got sick from their tutorial, always the same and useless

My goal is to be character modeler, and every tutorials for character creation, i want to see it.


  • PaulP
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    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    I took a CGWorkshop with Steven Stahlberg. He was a good mentor and I learnt alot, and I still keep in touch with him. I think a general rule with these things is that the more work you put into it the more you'll get out of it.

    To be honest, if you really want to know more about the courses and whats involved, just get in touch with the people who are holding these courses. They will be more than happy to reply, especially if it helps convince you to give them $800. Also tell them your needs from the course, and see what they say.
  • BrendtheCow
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    BrendtheCow polycounter lvl 8
    Yep! Working on the Sze Jones workshop right now. With her hectic schedule it's been extended indefinitely, until she uploads everything that was originally outlined in the course summary.

    It takes a *lot* of work on your part. You'll have to dedicate ~20 hours a week for one of the sculpting courses once you include corrections and paintovers that have to be addressed. You can get some of the information out the the DVDs for a fraction of the cost, but the real value in these classes is the professional feedback.

    SCB is right about getting in touch with the instructors. Just email them through their personal websites. Every one of them I've contacted has been really outgoing and friendly, even before I signed up for their classes. Sze and Cesar Dacol Jr. are both fantastic. I can't recommend them highly enough.
  • ChaosEidolon
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    ChaosEidolon polycounter lvl 17
    The Katon Calloway workshop is excellent for a student looking to learn a proper game art pipe-line. Katon gives you a metric ton of videos that cover everything from sculpting to baking to shaders. I can vouch that his techniques are real-world and legit.

    He gives great feedback too and helps you refine your work.

    I will caution though, that if your main goals are figuring out anatomy, design, sculpting or any of the more "artsy" elements of char modeling, I think the class will be overwhelming. For that I would focus on a life modeling or life drawing class first and go for this when you're looking to refine your pipeline or make a portfolio piece.
  • bounchfx
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    bounchfx mod
    I took Jon Rush's 'Modern Game Character Creation' course. Worth every penny. I've yet to try another one but I've considered it, they look great.
  • Kuledo
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    Thank you guys, does these guys, teach you how to create characters, but for cinematic. Like Blur studio do. But, all that in good in depth explanation. I ve tried to send email to Katon, but i can't find his email, so i send it to his pixologic forum profile.
  • disanski
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    disanski polycounter lvl 14
    I also took Jon Rush's class and I never had a better teacher :) Supper happy with the money I spent for this. If he makes second more advanced class I will sign up again:)

    About what the rest of the classes are going to teach you there is a detailed description on the page where you found them so you can just read that up.
  • ChaosEidolon
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    ChaosEidolon polycounter lvl 17
    Katon's class is for games, not cinematics. There are, of course, things that will translate but you're better off taking a Sze Jones class or something if thats your focus.
  • wretchedgoat
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    wretchedgoat polycounter lvl 8
    I can second Katon's class, really great teacher and a ton of info. Jon Rush's 8 week class is equally great. Similar pipeline but different methods. Both were well worth the money. Plus you have access to the videos as long as you want.
  • Torch
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    Torch interpolator
    These classes might be great but personally I'd go for more drawing/painting workshops. Solid art fundamentals are going to help way more than knowing what buttons to push in ZBrush to make something look pretty :) Having said that I heard a lot of good things about Katon's class!
  • Kuledo
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    I can't find what Jon Rush teach. Yea my focus is cinematic characters/creatures.
    I want to take also Sze workshop, but also Katon and Bryan.
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