So my lecturer suggested that i entered this, the quality of some of the entries are insane so i'm not expecting to win anything! Just entering for the sake of a good excuse to make a character.
Here's the contest page:
Concepting isn't exactly a strong point of mine, so ive just done a quick doodle for a basic idea of where i want to take this, then i'l be making it up as i go from there.

Here's the WIP on the anatomy and face after about 90mins of working on it, zspheres/dynamesh

Going to be extracting the main armor pieces from the anatomy sculpt and retopoing in maya to start off the highpoly armor meshes. Will have a block out for the armor to show soon.
All crits and comments are more than welcome !:)
Last update for today, adjusted the size and shape of the hands to be a bit more interesting, also sculpted some of the wrinkling parts of them.
Tommorow i'l try to finalise the anatomy and get some high frequency detail on the skin, then onto finishing the armor blocking in. Would love to get some crits on the sculpt so far before i go ahead and start detailing.
Here's how the character currently stands with the new skin details added in and a paint over of where im going with the character now. I've decided he's going to be a combat hover bike pilot, so i'm designing him around that idea now, more armor from the back and sides from where he is most exposed from leaning over a bike. Thinking about making his hover bike also, but i only have 30 days or so left and theres a ton of other stuff i have to do for other projects by then also.... We'll see.
Here's the start of his headgear, goggles done, need to sculpt the straps still. Head and torso armour to come soon.
Will be keeping an eye on this!
Another update, thigh armor and trousers folds roughed in. Need to design his boots still, so i havn't started the lower leg armour yet until i know how they're going to join to the boots. Playing about with BPR too
-Triceps enlarged and top of arm re-arranged slightly to be more appealing in front view.
-Fixed up the folds in the legs and sharpened up their edges a little.
-Added some strapping to the lower leg armour to break up the bigger armour pieces.
-Made his belly button smaller, i quite liked the big belly button as it threw him off being too human looking. But if it's looking strange to other people i guess its safer to just change it
And a render without the chest/head armour for the hell of it..
Will try and get the unwrap + bakes done tonight too.
You can checkout the turntable video and final renders on my page. If you want to share/tweet or drop me a vote that would be much appreciated! Dropped in a mention for polycount in the description for good measure.
As far as general character design critique goes, its hard for me to get a sense of who he is by his outfit. if there were more clues in his design as to what role he played then it might make him pop more as a character. for example if hes some kind of battle engineer(which is what he looks like to me), then tools and a little pistol in a holster might describe him better. This is just a good thing to think about as far as character contests go. Although maybe you didnt have enough time to do a lot of stuff; not sure when the contest ends.
definitely a solid entry though, good job and good luck in the contest
I went into the mocap studio and got a few idle animations, walk cycles and random things captured. So i'l have that posted up as soon as i can get it attached to the rig. I also wanted to give him a small diorama pedestal type thing for him to stand on. I thought some kind of roadside pit stop would be good considering he's a bike rider.
Few props for it done, still need to do some more!
Should have animations on the character by friday hopefully. Will post up when i have it done.
I look like an ass - had to tie my dreads over the top of my head so that they didn't mess with the back sensors :P
The rig got finished and weighted!
Going to start finishing up the scene now and playing with render settings/lighting setups while i wait for the mocap lecturer to get back to me with my mocap data
Just finished rendering the final shots for this guy, including one of the mocap scenes!
And a pose render