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Quick ngon question

Hey guys ive been modeling this frame for a G36K lately and discovered an n-gon a couple of minutes ago, but dont have any idea how to fix it without creating more ngons, triangles, or adding unneccessary edgeloops the whole way around the frame.

So i was wondering if any of u could maybe give me a hand working this one out please? (You can see the ngon on the front face of the frame there)


Any and all help is appreciated thanks guys,


  • Delega
    Add the edges in black
  • Mark Dygert
    Delega outlined a pretty good solution to keep it all quads but that could have some unintended consequences depending on what you plan to do with the model.

    You can use tri's and ngons in high poly modeling you just need to be careful how they effect edge loops (which might effect your edge selections/workflow) and sub-division (which might effect how the final object looks).

    In high poly it really is anything goes as long as it works. I understand wanting to stick with mostly quads because it can be easier to work with, but not if its going to cause problems or slow you down while you try to figure out inventive ways to route loops.

    If you're building a base mesh for sculpting or even sub-division smoothing, you can run into problems even with a mesh that is technically "all quads" where the quads are oddly shaped.

    You often want the quads to be roughly the same size and roughly square. So the long thin polys on your model should be adjusted or subdivided, so they sub-divide roughly the same across the entire mesh, of course making exceptions for re-enforcing edges.

    So if keeping the mesh all quads means routing the edges in some strange ways it might be better to just deal with with N-Gon and work around it.
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