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Lets hear about those... gory, FUN, injuries.

polycounter lvl 13
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TDub polycounter lvl 13
Ive noticed a few threads about random accidents and injuries. Thought it'd be a stomach churning read, to have them all in one thread.

Got a pretty good one today.

I sell all sorts of Ebay items in my spare time. Including sorts of silverware. My room is quite cluttered with items lately, and am always dodging things as I walk around. We had a pile of assorted flatwear items at the base of the bed, slightly covered by the end of our sheet. As I walk back across the room lesurly... I stumble and catch my self on the bed.

Thinking I had just tripped over an item, I look down to see the bed sheet and a large peice of metal sticking to the bottom of my foot. Feeling no pain, I am unable to conclude what has happened. "Why the fuck are these sticking to my foot so well?!" After pulling the sheet up, i see one of these stuck inside my foot, just under my pinky toe > http://www.chefscatalog.com/img/products/285x285/24324_285.jpg

I try to slide it out, and still very confused, it does not move. In a moment of panic I tug on it very hard, and it pops out, as if it were stuck into a piece of wood. It was in there a good 2-3 inches. It

It is very sore, but didn't hit anything major. I am still very disturbed by the thought of it.

SO hopefully i'm not the only one with a sweet little story. (Adam's hand is still scared into my brain)


  • Kot_Leopold
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    Kot_Leopold polycounter lvl 10
    I had 2 bicycle accidents back in Russia when I was younger.

    The first one happened when I was around 6-7. I had a neighbor friend who was a girl named Olga a couple of years older than me. One day she was riding a bike around our area and asked me if I wanted to ride with her. I didn't hesitate and hopped onto the "back seat" (really a place for junk stuff but it was commonly used for transporting another person). The bike was similar to this one:


    She decided it would be fun to ride from a steep hill on a high speed. While she was speeding up, my left sneaker somehow got caught up in the chain of the back wheel:


    ...and since she was cycling so fast from the hill, the rear chain started to chew up my sneaker and next thing you know - my foot - the skin right above the medial malleolus. By the time she made a stop, my left shoe and some of the skin was wrapped around the chain and it was a bloody mess; a pretty deep wound. I never rode with her again! lol Still got the scar from that trip.

    The second injury was a head-on collision with a bicyclist, another neighbor I got to know a few years later. When I rammed into his bike (he came out of nowhere), the impact caused his bike's spokes to break off the front wheel. 2 of them went right into my kneecap.


    They pierced through the skin and from the 2 open holes blood started to leak like I've been stabbed in the leg.

    I had some other injuries like being bitten by a dog and getting burnt by boiling thermos water but I'll leave it at that. lol
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    Ah God damn Kot >_<

    Mines not really long or complex.
    when I was surfing once, I lost my board going over a wave and somehow managed to get the board wedged in between the bottom and myself.
    essentially got stabbed in the back of my thigh by one of the board fins.
    20 stiches.
  • gilesruscoe
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    gilesruscoe polycounter lvl 10
    I've had a pretty smooth run with injuries, but here's two of the few bad ones i've had.

    AGE 7:

    I was fishing with my dad at the top of a weir, me being me.. i wanted to cast to the farthest bank (Everyone knows thats where the biggest fish are.. right?!) With a mighty cast i sent my fishing line, rod and myself straight into the fast flowing river, where i was sucked over the weir... Not being able to swim at the time didn't help. Luckily my dad was nearby and jumped in, sacrificing his mobile phone to save me.


    The second was age 12..
    I took one of these into the woods with a friend, with the intent to cut down a tree that was vital to creating a fort in the forest.

    I was sawing away at a fallen down tree in order to take a branch off it, when the saw jumped out of the log, and onto my left hand index finger. Not realising at first, i continued to saw for a good 3-4 seconds before looking down at the bloody mangled mess that was once my finger. Screaming and shouting i ran into a nearby road and flaged down a car... blood flying everywhere (panic mode!).

    8 hours later i was coming out of A&E with a ton of stitches and some freshly reconstructed finger tendons!
  • Skillmister
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    Skillmister polycounter lvl 11
    Nothing really gruesome on my part.

    Put one of these right through my foot when i was about 5, dad let me do some gardening :thumbup:
    Broke my wrist pretty badly when i was about 11 which wasn't fun.

    And my ankle now looks like this thanks to a bad tackle playing football in like 2005

    If i never break a bone again i'll be a happy chap :poly124:
  • Daelus
    :poly122: I've had nothing serious, at least not like you guys. I'm just really bad at handling knives. Multiple scars on each hand, a pretty ugly one on my elbow (ornamental weapons are still weapons, learned that the hard way), and a few on my legs. I'm allergic to knives I guess, since I've got no scars from anything else.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    I managed to slash the digital nerve on my left index finger on Christmas Eve last year. Was cutting up vegetables with a bread knife and got distracted by something on television. Slipped with the blade and wound up with a big jagged diagonal cut along the inside of the second joint. Spent Christmas Eve in emergency getting 8 stitches and a good part of Christmas morning cleaning blood off everything between the kitchen and the bathroom.

    The nerve was damaged but not completely severed, so I'm gradually getting the feeling back. I'd estimate it'll be towards the end of the year before it's entirely healed.
  • nick2730
    Got hit really ackward playing hockey while trying to make a split save post to post ( im a goalie ) torn my miniscus still paying for that lol
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    When I was really young I was bit in the balls by a spider (like 3 years old) and my genitals swelled up.

    Also around 10 I jumped off the top of our stairs, landed leaning back on like the 4th one from the ground, looked at my arm, and it was bend 270 degrees at the elbow.
  • SnakeDoctor
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    SnakeDoctor polycounter lvl 14
    Sorry about your balls Zac :-( ....

    When I was pretty young I was goofing around in class, swinging in between desks. I slipped and fell and sliced my ear in half ,width wise, on a sharp part of the desk. I think it might of been an old screw or something that did it. I forgot how many stitches but I still have the scar.

    Another time I was walking through the woods with my friends and unluckily for me I stepped on a yellow jacket nest. Those bastards make their nest in the ground. I was stung over 100 times and had to be rushed to the ER. Took a few days for my entire street to not be engulfed by a hoard of yellow jackets. I have had the worst luck with these things. I used to mow lawns as a kid for money but since they bury their nests I would always get stung a few times in the summer.

    This still gives me nightmares

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Up5SaHMJmU&amp;feature=related&quot;]Yellow Jackets Swarming - YouTube[/ame]
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
    As a kid, my cousin had a bunch of junkers that we'd ride downhill, at some point the piece of crap started to wobble like crazy, like the front wheel was about to come loose, i didn't have time to react and did a superman over the handlebars and landed on pavement. I left part of my elbows and face on the road. What was even more fun was going to the hospital every week to get that crap removed with a scalpel. They did a pretty good job, there's only a few scarred spots still barely visible.

    Cut my wrist on sharp rocks and needed stitches to stop the bleeding.

    I did a crosscheck into a huge rock while mountain biking in muddy trail, lost steering control, but i managed to use my forearm as protection...instead of my face. Left a nice scratch on the whole forearm and it turned blue / yellow.

    I broke my talus bone after a bad skateboard landing (not sure it was broken but it sure felt like it!), i couldn't walk on it for a few months.
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Man some of this stuff has made me cringe! Mine is not nearly as bad but still makes me shiver when I think about it.

    When I was about 10 me and my friend both had sandals on, and we realized if we kicked really hard we could make them come flying off. So we both started doing that seeing who could get theirs higher. My turn was up next but I did not lift up my foot high enough and scraped my right big toenail off. The entire toenail and sandal went flying and I was left with what looked like a bloody stump.
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    When I was young around age 8 or 9 we were moving with one of those budget trucks with the automatic lift on the back. I was playing around with the switch and got my foot caught between the metal lift and the back edge of the truck.
  • schneller
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    schneller polygon
    Damn, you guys have some terrible luck!

    This isn't too bloody, but probably the worst that ever happened to me was a spontaneous pneumothorax (ie. collapsed lung) several years ago. I was up late working on stuff and felt this intense pain in my back. Didn't think anything of it until I started coughing badly and shortness of breath. My roommate at the time told me to not cough up a lung ;)

    Since none of us had a vehicle I called the ER and the nurse told me to just take some painkillers and get some sleep. She figured I just had pleuresy or something. The next morning it wasn't better so my parents drove me to a different hospital where I went through some chest x-rays. That ER also thought it was pleuresy and sent me home with a breathing treatment. I was awakened the next morning by a phone call from the hospital saying they needed to see me again. So, I was driven back in and went through more x-rays.

    Sure enough my right lung was over 25% collapsed and they had to cut through my side and insert a chest tube right on the spot with no anesthetic. I was a crazy fool and watched the whole thing too.
  • marks
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    marks greentooth
    schneller wrote: »
    ...they had to cut through my side and insert a chest tube right on the spot with no anesthetic. I was a crazy fool and watched the whole thing too.

    Wow. +e-respect.
  • PaulP
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    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    Psyk0 I had a similar story to you. When I was quite young and I was on holiday in France I went skateboarding with my cousin and bro, and we were seshing down very a steep hill. I started off on this tight wheeled board which went slow, so went down the hill no problem. Then I used a different board which was stupidly loose and went down hill at an insane speed. Then the f'in back wheels popped off and I fell backwards. Grated the f# out of my elbows and back of head, and gave myself a double vision concussion.

    Had nightmares about skateboarding after that, so after a couple of years I got back on my skateboard and faced my fears. One of the best decissions I ever made, I had a great time skateboarding and met lots of interessting people (and skater chicks! :) )
  • marks
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    marks greentooth
    When I was at school, a girl pushed me over on the playing field and I broke my knuckle. True story :( I was like 15.
  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    when i was a kid i thought it would be a pretty good idea to run down a a slide on our local playground.
    guess what. the idea had some unforseeable flaws. the sand under my shoes made it a pretty slippery ride.

    end of story, i landed with my chin on the small metal hand railing and had a pretty deep laceration.
    after 20 years i still have a visible scar.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    When I was in the second grade, the school playground at recess had this sort of jungle gym. It was a bit like a worm, and its legs were ladders that went up from the middle "body" and then down to the ground. Very similar to this except quite a bit larger. I was on top of one of these ladder triangle things, and this girl pushed my feet (which were wouldn't you know it, supporting my weight...). I fell from the top of the ladder and the large metal support beam however many feet below caught me square in the chest as I was falling.

    Went in to the school office, they called my mother and were trying to figure out if I'd broken anything. They lifted up my shirt and my sternum was potruding a solid 1-2 inches from where it should be (pic of what it looked like, not me but illustrates the point well). They asked my mother "Is it normally like this?" And she was flipping her shit, "No! Of course not what in the world happened!?"

    They took me to the hospital, got a couple x-rays. I didn't break anything - they said there might have been a slight crack in parts of the upper sternum, but apparently at that age a good portion of my bones were still cartilage and the cartilage connecting my ribs to the sternum just sort of swelled up and pushed it forward rather than have it caving in. It didn't hurt or inhibit anything. It's gone down quite a lot over the years, I don't imagine people would think anything of it these days as I am very thin, but I'm pretty sure I don't look how I would have wound up looking otherwise.
  • Tenchi
    Painful reading haha ...climbed a fence when I was 13ish, as I dropped down a protruding nail caught the rib area. I now sport a 2cm scar >:O
  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    In my youth...i dedicated 10 years of my life to skatebaording just about everyday. I grew up skating vert. Anyways, one day skating in Houston TX at a backyard ramp I bail on a trick. The ramp was old...delapidating. I knee slide down after failing the trick. While i am knee sliding I drag my hand(unconciously) along the plywood. My thumb caught a HUGE splintered peice of wood. I get up.....look at my hand...there's a piece of wood sticking out of my thumb...it's about 8 inches long. I grab it and try to pull it out. IT BREAKS OFF. I take the 2 hour trip home to small town TX. Go to the doctor. The dude ends up pulling a two inch piece of wood out of my thumb. It looked JUST like a toothpick. Still gotta scar from it to this day. Weirdest injury I've ever had.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    No bloody injuries. One embarrassing one -- Dislocated my knee and cracked my leg in three (3!) places hopping over a 3 foot high wall once, somehow. Couldnt walk for months! The worst!
  • Jeremy Tabor
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    Jeremy Tabor polycounter lvl 14

    I don't mean to laugh at your injury, Joseph, but more at the circumstance.

    I have similar issues. I have been involved in contact sports all of my life and fortunately never received an injury worse than a fractured ankle... but i did manage to tear my left trapezius while taking off a sweater in the 6th grade, and then in high school a pulled groin while stepping down on an inch high crack in the sidewalk... was difficult to play those down with the friends...
  • aivanov
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    aivanov polycounter lvl 5
    No bloody injuries. One embarrassing one -- Dislocated my knee and cracked my leg in three (3!) places hopping over a 3 foot high wall once, somehow. Couldnt walk for months! The worst!

    Geez, man! Brittle bones?

    Mine are nowhere near as bad as the horror stories here.

    At around 5 years I was always fascinated by people jumping off some swings (mid-swing) near my apartment. Now, normally, people think of swings that are chains/ropes holding a piece of rubber or wood to sit on; the ones in ye olde mother country were, interestingly enough, a contraption made of welded-together iron bars (made the most awesome rusty screech). So after watching an older kid do the coveted swing jump, I eventually decided to try on my own. I ended up jumping off, landing in a kneeling position, but apparently mistimed so I jumped off at the lowest point, when the swings where going backwards. Proud of my accomplishment, the next thing I knew my face met the sand as the welded-iron seat slammed into the back of my head. Surprisingly, I don't recall feeling any pain or being distressed whatsoever, just kinda being dazed and walking back home. I still have a protrusion in the back of my skull where it hit. Guess having elastic child bones helped.

    Another one I recall when I was young, was racing my uncle (who is only 3 years older than me) to a bed, and to gain some speed near the finish I decided to slide on my knees on the hardwood floor. What I didn't count on was meeting the sharp wooden edge of the bed frame forehead-first. Next thing I know I am touching my forehead and seeing blood on my hands. Freaked out. Still have a small, light scar on my forehead.

    Edit: Oh, remembered another one! One of my schools had a large wooden door that had one of those automatic-slow-down mechanical things for when the door is closing. Long story short, I somehow manage to wedge my thumb in the gap on the hinge side as the door is closing. Managed to stop the door before it crushed my thumb. Went on with my school day without telling anyone, while the thumb swelled up, the nail turned blue, and kept recoiling in pain at the lightest touch. Took a month to heal.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Oh no not one of these.
    Why not?
    It begins...*sigh*

    Some pretty gruesome stories guys glad you all made It out okay.
    I will add some of mine.

    About 10 years old:
    Walking down a street with my mom I look back to see a classmate/friend from school, so eager to say hi to him and look cool, (I guess) I forget to stop walking, he doesn't notice me so I give up, and as soon as I turn [BOOM Dead center] I hit a parking meter... On of these beautiful creations... with my head.
    (ouch) I thought silly me laughing at myself I rub my forehead and thought nothing of It, I was dazed still, my mother not knowing what had happen turns to look at me and starts freaking out.

    I'm like what? she cups her hands and a pool of blood is forming in-front of my eyes in her palms, I am freaking squirting blood like a water gun out of a little hole on my forehead and It doesn't stop.

    Luckily we were nearby some neighborhood "nursing/doctor" office and they patched me up and stopped the bleeding, I watched the whole thing, hooking & thread I got about 5-7 stitches I think.

    13 years old:
    In my kitchen we had a cool outdoor porch area, It was really small but I like It a lot. But It was cold and I wanted to shut the door, my mother puts these curtains on the front of them, this door is hard to close so I have to sort of push hard.
    so I go to close the door and oppsy my hand slides off the curtain into one of the small window panes, yup oh joy I just ran my hand threw a damn window, quickly my second reaction is to get my hand out of the window to avoid further injury, oh joy I just made It worse.
    I slice open the side of my hand and the inside of my palm, at this point I am screaming calmly for my mother to call an ambulance or someone.

    I rush myself to the bathroom 10 ft away and wash out any microscopic glass from the sliced area's. On my palm there is a dangling chunk of meat, I almost just rip It off but I am so glad I didn't because that would have been an ugly hole probably forever. I had enough time to glance over at the outer part of my hand, Oh look at this I can see my bone, I almost pass out (extreme cold and bone = not good.) but I am so amazed at the sight of the magnificent whiteness that I have time to touch my bone (because how many times are you going to be able to do that?) I get on the phone with the operator and they tell me to hold my hand above my head. This helps with the passing out part, I get about 15 stitches to the outer part of my hand, 25 to my palm.

    The fun doesn't stop there folks.

    16 years old.
    My friend calls me up to go hangout I used to ride a Dyno GT Bike, I loved It and riding all together. Until this day, I had to ride to his house so I took the streets, but mostly the sidewalks. I get to a hill and I notice my breaks aren't working, perfect timing... to the sides of me are churches, 1 is a school and church the other are the offices, I am on a 2 lane street and I am coming into a cross street that also has 2 lanes. I notice I am about to miss the opportunity to be safe as the light is turning yellow, I brace for the worst cause I was trying to beat the light, why? I have no clue. I do a wide turn and SMACK ... Crack ... Pow! onto the pavement. I get hit by a car, I don't know how long I was out... but I was more concerned at that point of getting hit again. I awoke, dazed and in pain, rise like a zombie and I have time to get mad at the guy for 3 seconds ..[I know].. I locate my bike and drag myself to the corner sidewalk. I sit down and just gather myself while a crowd come to form, a group of young kids check out the gash to my head were I cracked the persons front window and I say does It look bad? they say yea It looks like brain... I was like shit (to myself in my head). Someone calls the ambulance and yadda yadda, for some reason they keep me in a stretcher and I am getting sick, hurl I go, sorry I say to the other injured bedside neighbor, I get mad after that and remove myself from the stretcher (That thing SUCKS!).

    I just end up with that gash on my head that wasn't that bad and the BIGGEST black and blue I have ever seen in my life on the side of my torso.
    To this day I thank god It wasn't a truck, ow!

    18/19 years old.
    I am sleeping on our futon in the living room, I made this my new room.
    one night I wake up out of the blue in the middle of the night 1:00am or so and I am freezing cold, It's an odd/creepy feeling cause its a spring/summer night and all the windows are shut.
    I freak out and scream for anyone to come to me, my sister wakes up and I tell her I am freezing cold to bring me another blanket to warm me up, she tries to rub my shoulders on top of the blanket I have over me, pretty heavy blanket, I tell her It's not working, my mother hears all the commotion and brings two more blankets (3 heavy blankets are on me). At this point they are on either side of me and trying to help me but It is not working. It's the scariest cold I ever felt... I get my father up and say somethings wrong let's go to the hospital, I notice while riding in the cab service every bump is giving me severe pain to my right side so I am no longer sitting in the back I am standing at an angle to stop this pain. It's my appendix, It almost ruptured inside of me, this time It was STAPLES, the worst invention in the world at the worst location, I couldn't sit up or laugh for months...horrible but I dodged the bullet again It seems.

    I missed a few little ones but yea, I have more stories not enough post space.
    :\ I guess these are not so bad compared to some.
    Thanks for sharing.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I think my only major injury was the time I fractured my skull. Basically, when I was like 6 or something, I fell about 10-20 feet backwards and landed on concrete head-first. There was a lot of blacking out, dreaming about people/things that weren't there, and then I threw up some purple stuff two days later and was more or less okay.
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    I got an arrow to the knee once. It sucked. I had to stop adventuring.

    Kidding... I think the worst thing that's happened to me is when I was trying to stack some pallets back when I worked retail. I was using my momentum to through each pallet on the stack and would let it go once it reached the top. One time I did this and it caught a nail on the one under it, and dropped a good 5 feet onto my big toe. I didn't really think it was broke, but sure enough, it was. Workers comp ftw.

    Somewhat unrelated, but I guess it's still an "injury." Anyone ever twist a nut? Fucking FUCKING hell does that hurt. Not okay.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, when I was a toddler apparently full out ran into a sliding glass door because my mom had just cleaned it. I don't remember it, but luckily it didn't shatter or anything because I was so small still. I've watched dogs do the same. So glad I don't remember enough to feel the shame from that one.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    When I was 14 or 15, went snowboarding for my second time in PA while visiting family for the winter. My first run went well, had fun, and got super excited for my second run.

    Halfway down, I caught an edge on some ice and flew face first down onto more ice. I heard a pop like when you crack your knuckles, and instantly felt a little sick to my stomach. I quickly dug into my jacket and horrified felt some jaggie object under my jacket.

    Freaked out, I opened my jacket to see what it was, and found it was just the buckle from my snow overalls. Relieved, I stood up and went the rest of the way down the mountain.

    At the bottom, I was in a significant amount of pain, so i unstrapped, and went to find my aunt and the first aid station. They tell me i dislocated my shoulder, and would find someone to pop it back in. I get scared, and wait.

    When they return, they couldn't find the guy who does it, so they sent me to the hospital. I get xrayed, and turns out my clavicle had been snapped clean in 2. Had they tried to pop my shoulder back in, my bone would have dug into my muscle and meat and I would probably have killed someone.

    Lesson? when snowboarding, don't fall on your face.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    worst ones were scalpel injuries in the day of my BTEC graphic design course. Cutting out mounting board for framing work was always a dangerous endeavour. you tended to use scalpels for cutting stuff.

    sliced almost the end of my finger off and then another deep cut to my other finger. still have the scars
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    i had most of my hospital visits when i was a toddler

    Worst one that left a scar that's still noticeable on my leg was one where i was put in a build-in seat in a shopping-cart but they failed to notice a big metal spike sticking loose right about where my legs were located. they put me in the cart sticking the pin in my leg and because i apparently started to scream my lungs out my sister pulled me out of the cart ripping my leg partly open .

    another one on my head i got from my sister trowing me and my buggy in a ditch were there was broken glass laying around

    somehow looking back on it i think my sister didn't like me very much :D
    HonkyPunch wrote: »
    and then I threw up some purple stuff two days later and was more or less okay.

    doctor: mam don't worry he'll be fine once he trows up some purple stuff :poly124:
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    Went through a rear windshield on a hatch back car, pulled myself out and ripped a big chunk out of my ring finger. The doctor said that my finger would be numb for the rest of my life, but, it's all good - just a big chunk missing from my finger.
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    when i was dunno about 5 or 6 i broke my leg by stepping on a trampoline.
    my mom didnt beleve me till i still couldnd walk properly after dinner.

    when i was 15 or 16 i fell into a fence of barbed wire. didnt hurt but looked gruesome.
    i just checked my calves. its still visible when looking closely

    my left arm has a dot on the ellbow because someone in scool gave me a soldering iron and wasnt that careful. my right arm has a scar from a screw scratch (from carrying around old furniture with screws standing out)on the same position. now i always know whats left and right XD

    as kid i had a dart in back of the ear (but that wasnt messy)

    but i think the most painful thing i had was diareah (almost knocked me out one time XD)

    edit: anyone here too has sliced eyebrows because of laceration?
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 9
    Pittsburgh, PA. Summer 2009. Thought i was hot shit on my bike started texting while i was riding down PJ McArdle Rd. My bike started veering towards the big concrete wall, and my arm scraped up agaisnt it for a good 20 feet. I looked like i was on the set of the terminator. I have a huge scars on my shoulder, forearm, and biceps/triceps area. Most painful wreck.

    Pittsburgh, PA. Winter 2009 Interception of Smithfield St Bridge and Fort Pitt BLVD, rainy day, rushing to school, woke up late i was about 10 minutes late. Got T-Boned by an elderly couple on my bike (nicest fucking couple ever!) i went flying slid infront of the car for a about 10 feet, car kept sliding and the front bumper hit me in the back of the head. Dood gave me 20 bucks for hitting me LOL

    if i remember any more i'll add to this. :)
  • Jeremy Tabor
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    Jeremy Tabor polycounter lvl 14
    Pittsburgh, PA. Winter 2009 Interception of Smithfield St Bridge and Fort Pitt BLVD

    Dude, No kiddin! I've witnessed or been a part of so many near-accidents there. I'm glad to here it wasn't too bad of a collision.

    During the morning when the buses ride on the opposite side of the bridge into on-coming traffic... creates so many dangerous situations, especially for pedestrians, when ppl whip it up onto the bridge headed toward station square not realizing that a bus is bearing down on them.

    Also, another hazardous downtown intersection is where the 10th street bridge spits out near the Duquense tunnel. I believe that's where Roethlisberger crashed his bike several years back.

    I don't live there anymore, but I found that downtown Pittsburgh isn't all that pedestrian-friendly of an area, despite its' small size. People have a hard enough time navigating by car to really pay attention to the people trying to cross the street at all of those convoluted intersections... I guess that;s what happens when you try to fit a square grid onto a triangle
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