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[CE3] Subway Station with fancy things

polycounter lvl 8
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DavidBrumbley polycounter lvl 8
Hello All, here is a scene I have been working on for a little while. Some parts are still in grey box form and textures still need a final pass. I'll start posting other shots when more parts of the station get detailed. I plan on finishing up the back wall and stair area tomorrow night. Then over the weekend many signs and poster/trash decals will be made.

Thanks for looking :poly124:





  • Visceral
    Love it, however, why are there plants growing indoors?
  • Darkleopard
    Looking nice. I was abit confused with the planets aswell. The ground looks like it belongs outside not inside a metal structure. Why did you chose that instead of a standard concrete/metal ground?
  • DavidBrumbley
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    DavidBrumbley polycounter lvl 8
    When I first started working on the scene I pictured an overgrown station with plants growing up the walls and and plants busting in from the roof. At one time the roof was glass so this would have kinda made sense but when I took the glass out the overgrown idea started to die. The broken ground and grass were the first couple props I made. I just got used to them being there I think and didn't realize that they might not fit the scene now. Maybe if I started adding more weeds and rubble it could still work out.
  • Orchidface
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    Orchidface polycounter lvl 7
    Bomb diggidy ding dong bawler town! Lookin siiiiiiick
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Plants lack SSS, which can make entire scene pop really well.

    Too much bloom.

    The length of some of those anamorphic lens streaks are ridiculous.

    Lack of colors (warning signs, etc).

    Also, plants don't grow in places willy nilly, for example, you can go to an old house, in the country side, that has been abandoned for 50 years or more, and while stuff is growing outside, you won't really see vines, nor anything in the inside, it will be dusty, dead and barren.

    This is an old school house we're taking about, with wood and stuff. I can't even begin to think on how a station would allow the growth of plants.
  • DavidBrumbley
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    DavidBrumbley polycounter lvl 8
    yea i've been trying to figure out how to fix the lens shizzle dizzle
  • DavidBrumbley
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    DavidBrumbley polycounter lvl 8
    Got a good amount done this weekend. Still can't find the sweet spot with the glow in cryengine. The only way I can find to get rid of the crazy lens flare is to turn the glow amount down way to far. The only console command I can find is to turn glow on or off :(.




  • MaYdaY
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    MaYdaY polycounter lvl 8
    Hey David awesome environment. For the lense flare problem you tried the environment Menue to get rid of those?

  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    What kind of falloff do you have going on these lights? The apparent brightness of the bulbs themselves, vs the amount of light they are giving off to hit the environment seems off somehow, but I can't pinpoint it.
  • DavidBrumbley
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    DavidBrumbley polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks MaYdaY you saved the day! I had no clue those options were hiding down there.

    As for the lights mr. poop they are mostly small point lights with a few spotlights thrown in for the light fixtures that are pointing down. Perhaps the glow is too bright and the HDR setting for the lights is too low?
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