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Model/Sculpting Wraps

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Torch polycounter
Hi all, I did some searching online but haven't found anything that yields really good results with what I'm going for. I was wondering if anyone happened to know a good technique for modeling or sculpting wraps like these:-


I've tried extruding faces off the original arm mesh and also using masking in ZB to get the look of straps 'folding over' each other but it either looks like its kinda hanging off the arm loosely or just plain messy and crap :D I also thought I could just wait until texturing and use nDo or Xnormal to create some straps over my texture, but I've seen some people have the straps as part of their sculpt (spacemonkey's Sagat model) and they look great, so wanted to know how they did them.

If anyone's got any good methods for this I'd really like to hear them - Thanks!


  • Sculptaur
    Look at "SCULPTING BOOT STRAPS AND FABRIC WRAPS" on this page Gnomon Free tutorials

    Or if you wanted to poly model it, you could use a NURBS/NURMS curve that wraps around the way you want, and then extrude along it. Maybe breaking it up into smaller sections would be easier as well.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Hey thanks Sculptaur, I was just trying out that Gnomon technique a minute ago, it works really well actually, my only issue is that you're left with a lot of noise on the wraps sculpt, I guess you can flatten it out or use other methods to clean it up, maybe its just my inexperience and i need to practice it more :D
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