Well, I got into the iAnimate game division. I start in May. I wanted to get a head start, so I started to practice. Got some good reference for a kick, kick, flip combo.
This is my key pose block out. Rough timing still. I'll do a proper timing pass later.
Your spin kick is really vertical, lacks some horizontal extension.
Then I cannot check your arcs etc. on this player, but there's one thing you can clearly improve : silhouette. Try to use light mode with no lights in your scene and to make your movement absolutely clear for... your mother, grandmother, whatever. Somebody who isn't in art, animation...
Apart from that it isn't an easy move, and it already starts to read. Good luck with that, keep it up.
The flip at the end is awesome, and the initial back-kick itself looks really well timed out.
Only thing I could say at this stage would be to watch the movement between poses 4 and 5. He seems to go into that pose to quickly and it could benefit from spacing them apart more and adding an anticipation pose in between these two. It should help blend the action more and keep the timing of your piece.
That's only a minimal suggestion though. It's a very good blockout. :-)
(oh, and frame count turned on if possible. Makes it easier to tell you what bits we mean) :-)
Thanks for the crits, everyone. Im going to be adjusting a few poses, but I am trying to keep it as close to my reference as possible for this one. No exaggerating. A few of the poses need some tweaking though.
What are you using as reference? The movement feels very light and dance like, with little ugency. In particular, look at the landing of the kick, which lacks the impact needed to sell it as damaging, and the leap back from a flip, which appears to be a gymnast finishing a move, checking his feet and taking a breath before his next move. You could take some liberties with reality here by having him spring back to the next position in a quick jump (and a step to settle himself) while looking at the 'enemy'. Give it a sense of urgency.
Caveat: I am not an animator. if any animator contradict me, give them the benifit of the doubt over me!
Ah just saw your post that came in while I wrote mine :P about not wanting to exaggerate. Fair enough. Still, consider trying to add more weight to his movements.
It looks really good and you're off to a great start.
But some of the key poses are getting a little lost, like this one:
Where his leg doesn't really fully extend as it swings over the top of his body. Instead it takes a shortcut and stays bent. I think that windmilling leg and full extension is pretty important.
Compressing the head into the body and tucking in the trailing foot would help compress the silhouette and help people focus on the powerful and important windmilling leg as it comes over the top. Right now he has a lot of pieces windmilling and I could be good to focus on the leg a bit more.
To me that leg extension as he's delivering the kick to about where a human head would be, is a key pose that needs to stick out a bit and he's blending through it right now.
Keep going, looking forward to seeing more!
Then I cannot check your arcs etc. on this player, but there's one thing you can clearly improve : silhouette. Try to use light mode with no lights in your scene and to make your movement absolutely clear for... your mother, grandmother, whatever. Somebody who isn't in art, animation...
Apart from that it isn't an easy move, and it already starts to read. Good luck with that, keep it up.
The flip at the end is awesome, and the initial back-kick itself looks really well timed out.
Only thing I could say at this stage would be to watch the movement between poses 4 and 5. He seems to go into that pose to quickly and it could benefit from spacing them apart more and adding an anticipation pose in between these two. It should help blend the action more and keep the timing of your piece.
That's only a minimal suggestion though. It's a very good blockout. :-)
(oh, and frame count turned on if possible. Makes it easier to tell you what bits we mean) :-)
Great blockout, looks very nice!
The only thing that i would maybe do, is exaggerate the weight and silhouette more when the character lands after the big kick in the beginning.
Sorry for the crappy gif :poly136:, but maybe this gives you an idea:
edit: I mean the arms as well in that pose, but I didnt change them in the gif.
The pose needs to be a bit more readable and display more weight, that would make the spin kick look more forceful.
I also agree on the frame counter, that would help point out the exact frames.
Anyway, keep it up, looking forward to see your progress!
Here's my reference. The grass part at 1:09. I downloaded it and scrub through it frame by frame in quicktime.
Caveat: I am not an animator.
But some of the key poses are getting a little lost, like this one:
Where his leg doesn't really fully extend as it swings over the top of his body. Instead it takes a shortcut and stays bent. I think that windmilling leg and full extension is pretty important.
Compressing the head into the body and tucking in the trailing foot would help compress the silhouette and help people focus on the powerful and important windmilling leg as it comes over the top. Right now he has a lot of pieces windmilling and I could be good to focus on the leg a bit more.
To me that leg extension as he's delivering the kick to about where a human head would be, is a key pose that needs to stick out a bit and he's blending through it right now.