Hi there,
I've been working on this fella for some time now and I'm close to finishing him off.
Before I do that, however, I was wondering if I could get any suggestions/critiques on the Joker before I send the final to Photoshop? Is there anything off color-wise? I tried to keep him fairly simple and as close to the reference as possible hence such monochromatic coloring.
If there's something I can improve upon, please let me know.
BPR render:

...and here's my reference sheet:

Thanks in advance!
but that may be just me. curious to see what others think.
either way it's looking pretty cool man.
Very slight change but now he doesn't look like he's a little drunk or about to fall asleep. Thanks again!
@Alberto Rdrgz Hey man, I tried giving him a wider smile and he started to look a bit ridiculous. I also think the expression is off but maybe it is better to leave it the way it is. Thanks though!
@JeremyRM So inflating the corners and extending the paint would make the character more realistic? Correct me if I'm not understanding you right
Here are some more views (maybe a paintover would be nice so I have a better idea of what to work on):
One thing I am certain about is that the next Joker or any "happy" character will have a proper smile!
good job on this.
My biggest nitpick would be that his face is symmetrical, which is somewhat unrealistic for such a strained facial expression.
Also maybe some wear and tear could have been cool.
But it's awesome too right now