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Eminem likeness model

polycounter lvl 9
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gdsworld polycounter lvl 9
Hey Everyone, I'm working on an Eminem sculpt for my portfolio. My goal is to create a realistic version of Eminem.
Reference i'm working from.

Body sculpt so far. The body will be covered in clothing later on, but I still want to build a strong base.

Close up of face.

Please help me reach the finish line on this project.


  • gdsworld
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    gdsworld polycounter lvl 9
    Second update:
    Worked on the face and also updated the anatomy and proportions.

    Next, i'm going to dress this model up. Next update coming up pretty soon.
  • wolfonthehorizon
    some advice on your reference mate there will be millions and millions of pictures of Eminem and from the reference you have shown I know all those are of different ages and along the way he has gained and lost weight, he has been in the industry a long time so I would pick an album you love and stick to recreating that Eminem because what will be right on your sculpt in one image most likely will be wrong in another, for the cloths pick something people will be familiar with like stage attire and you got to nail those tattoos :) good luck dooogggggggg XD
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    Looks like a good start. I'd stick to the head before worrying about the body.
  • gdsworld
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    gdsworld polycounter lvl 9
    wolfonthehorizon- I'll certainly pick an album and stick to it. I think there will be more high-res shots from his latest albums so I might just stick to them. This character is supposed to be for a promotional print of a movie (fictional) and he has to replace Daniel Craig in the next bond movie (I wish). Suit and a gun for him. Cheers for the feedback. ;)

    LRoy- I keep going back to the head and hopefully i'll have it looking good by the end of this semester.


    First pass on the clothing. Not too happy with the boots so will work a bit more on them.
  • TheDarkKnight
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    TheDarkKnight polycounter lvl 14
    Nice subject, tried making an Eminem of my own before, might retry again sometime, always fun to try and capture a likeness.

    What you could do to get them from the same age is take screencaps from a video, like the Spacebound video for example, has plenty of front and side shots.

    Being in a pretty good mood, I took some shots for you : http://i.imgur.com/8HXOB.jpg

    Hope it helps :)
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    Right now the jacket has wrinkles that would appear if if was buttoned closed, but considering your jacket is open it looks like both side are being pulled together by an invisible force. I would either close his jack and keep the wrinkles in that direction, or change the wrinkles to be more 'relaxed'
  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    I'd also make his 'package' a lot smaller. If you want to stay close to life and all. lol just kidding.
    He doesn't have as much of a butt chin as you got gong, more of a dimple thing. Also I think the angle of the slope of his head is off a bit but it's hard to tell from that profile up above. Double check the underside of his nose again, though that could be the angle of the profile as well.
    Looking pretty nice overall.
  • gdsworld
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    gdsworld polycounter lvl 9
    TheDarkKnight- Great idea and i've done exactly that to pull some HD shots of Eminem, all from the same period. Genius!

    jordan.kocon- Cheers for the feedback, I think the reference I was using were all with buttons closed. Working on it now.

    Dimfist- The package in the earlier version has now been scaled down and not visible under his trousers. I've worked a bit more on the nose and the head so hopefully its looking better now. Cheers for your input. ;)

    Face so far:
  • wolfonthehorizon
    think the nose needs to be a bit more cut into looks too smooth to be eminem and also get the adams apple in , on the right track though
  • yodude87
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    yodude87 polycounter lvl 5
    the eyes definetely need work. eminem's eyes arerecognizable at a glance, and it doesnt happen when looking at your model. but keep it up, its coming along.
  • gdsworld
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    gdsworld polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks wolfonthehorizon and yodude87, i'll change the details if I get a chance. The deadline is closing in on me.
    Quick update.
    First pass on the colour. The material used is from Eat 3d Zbrush SSS tutorial.
    Hands still need to be sorted out.
  • FreddyAnimator64
    Wow, this model looks awesome!!!
    May I use it for an animation please?
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