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Rouge's of the Sea - Game Dev - Recruitment - Accepting All

Hello, Our game is a Medieval Pirate Ship VS Ship Game, we are working for free and working in a team of collaborative, we are looking for a 2D artists to join as our concept artist, we only have one at the moment and are in need of another.

Although our game may turn into money in the near future, but right now we are all working for free and will be producing the game into the stages of Alpha and beta, which will then determine, if we sell the game, because if we get a large amount of people playing the demo, then we will sell the full version, otherwise it will be available for free. Our Game Dev:

Omega Studio Game Development

Project Name: Rogue of the Sea


In the world of unity, originality is the thing of the past, why? Well, take a walk though the endless threads and take a gander of all of the developments, what do you see? You see the same thread Genre appearing all of the place, people are losing there imagination, copying other peoples ideas, remaking all ready made games and so on.

So what is it that we have? Well where going to be different and unique and make a Ship V Ship battle game, which has never been done before on unity, well as far as I know.

Now whats so special about our game, well it's not going to be another boring RPG that's for sure. But how can we make a change, how will we be different. Well for starters we need a good and willing team, we will finish the game and then what.

Do what every other game development does? Say our byes and part? Well think again, when it is finished, we will aim to create a multiplayer version of it and no its not going to be a full blown version, but a simple PVP, we will aim to add packs, such as more ships, weapons, upgrades, enemies, counties and many upon many versions of the game.

But that is long off, first aim for completion then for perfection. So now since this is a "Original" idea, we would like to reach out to all users in the unity community, to not join a different game Development which is a dime a dozen, by all means do if you like them but step back and think, what is it that you want to join a game that will be really good, because most rpgs do come out really good, but do you want to join another RPG, or do you want to join a totally different game development.

Now just to say (if I am not being big headed), that I think this development has got potential and is good fun. but on a side note we are open to other teams, those who outscore. We are happy to join forces with them, so long as we are two different teams, so that JoystickKing gets know and gets credit.

Game Overview:

The game will take place out in the ocean there will be 6 islands that you will be able to access, the main one which will be featured in the alpah and beta will be called pirate island, when you are on land you will be balr to walk around go into shops and recruit crew members for your ship, who will be found in the tarvern.

The main feature to the game will be out on sea. where you will be in full 3d gameplay, you can sail to and from islands doing missons or quests to earn money and so on. You will be able to engage other pirates (NCPS) and you will be able to hook them and order your crew to bored. Fire cannons at each other. the lot. that will be the main feature to the game.

The genre is a simulation RPG. It's not an MMO, maybe in future but not now. We are working in C# and use the task managment to deal out asignments and also to keep myself up to date with progress, so that when your offline I can still check with what you have done.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask, If you want to join Pm me, or add me via Skype: sean.w.hall

Current Team:
  • Sean Hall - Level Designer - Team Leader
  • Victor - Programmer
  • Sullivan Wang - 3D Modeler - Texture Artist
  • Mih
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