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[ Portfolio ] Frank Tzeng- 3D Character Artist

Hey Polycount:

I have been told that this is the CG website i should go if i want to get some advises and opinions about my works, so here i am, hope i can get some suggestions and feedback.

I am a 3D Character artist, i have been doing 3d modeling in school for almost 2 years, and i am going to graduate very soon, while i am going to school, i am also doing some freelance projects for a PC/XBOX game, cinematic commercial, and few iphone games as well, sadly they are all still under NDA, therefore i wont be able to put them in my website for now. I will update it as soon as i get the permission to show them.

Please feel free to comment or critique my works, thanks a lot!!

Frank Tzeng's portfolio

Frank Tzeng's Website


  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 13
    Hello Frank, very nice work. Welcome to PC. This is indeed the place to come for helpful feedback and suggestions. In the past PC has never let me down. :) I learn something new almost every time I visit the forums.

    So I love the actual images but your background behind the standard blog template is very distracting. Maybe something more subtle would be better.

    I also would consider redoing your website. It feels a bit over complicated and distracting. Should be more about the art. The white tabs on the side really stand out too much (so does the "this website was made using wix.com) It's really an eyesore compared to all your beautiful artwork. You'll find a bunch of advice on portfolio web site building here. I especially reccomend the link in there to the "favorite portfolio" thread.

    That's really all I've got to say though. Your characters are very well done and the lighting is beautiful.
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Your website I found hard to navigate (scrolling the images back and forth, made me accidentally click a few times bringing me back to the character page. Also I really abhor flash pages, just because they are always slow and clunky.

    I wouldn't have put up with it as long as I did but I was trying to find any kind of game art on the page. I found one game art on the blog page (polycount brawl) but I think you should show more examples of game art if that is the field you want to get into. Perhaps breaking your front page /gallery page into a High poly models section and game models section so that people who want to see game models can do so without wading through nice but less relevant highpoly sculpts.

    If your looking for high end CG/flim and advertising, final highpoly sculpts and they way you presented them seem fine.

    I'm speaking from a game artist perspective here but right now it would be hard for your site to convince a lead character artist at a game studio to hire you especially if this is the only shot I could find of your character breakdown.
    Where the only shots of your wireframe are in very hard to discern triangulated mode and I'm not entirely sure what's going on with that normal map in this shot. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-UlJnMUhoIeM/Trj9t9RjuNI/AAAAAAAAAFk/EpTH7bV26vc/s1600/color%2Ball_maps_on_model.jpg

    I know you are just finishing/in school and its always about appealing to different positions/disciplines. But right now you are on a video game art website asking for critiques about your site; where I can only find one image of game art (again I didn't look very long) and right now its clearly lacking on the game art front.

  • Darkmaster
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    Darkmaster polycounter lvl 11
    Frank!! So glad you started a PC thread! Your work has just taken leaps and bounds since the last year man, I just can't wait to see more!!

    @Anuxinamoon... there are plenty of threads on polycount that are not specifically related to game art. There are some beautiful characters here that are definitely worth assessing regardless of whether the end result goes in game. Also, Frank said in his original post that most of his game art models are under NDA right now so he can't show them here quite yet.

    Anyways, I definitely agree with the comments related to your professional website. It's just a little hard to navigate, and I think that a more simple design would definitely help!! Also, WIX is 100% flash, so you know the limitations there. Look at your favorite character artists online and see how their sites are set up!! Good luck man :)
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Yup you are right Darkmaster. I probably should have just mentioned to display the game model more. Take a grab of the low without the triangulation and all that jazz. Let us know you can build a clean low and do clean unwraps and clan bakes.

    Heh I think I went a bit crazy on the feedback, but I look forward to iterations on the site!
  • PolyTech
    really excellent work. seems to me that your work is well executed, even without many lowpoly examples (I know you have many under NDA) it is clear you know what your doing. Keep it up my friend.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    Hi Frank,

    You've got some really nice sculpts here and it definatley looks like you know what you're doing as an artist.
    What you've listed as your portfolio really feels more like a showcase blog, where you've got a couple nicely rendered busts and accompanying video's, but it doesn't really seem like a portfolio. Your website on the other hand has proper breakdowns of the models, texture sheets and wireframes and all the good stuff people want to see when they are reviewing your work. So when you do finish school and start applying, keep in mind that what your calling your portfolio doesn't really cover what an art director would need to see.

    -if you do have time to loose the flash stuff I'd recommend it. In the 5 minutes I've been on the site I've had to reload the whole thing 3 times due to loading errors and getting locked on images.

    @Darkmaster: Anuxinamoon was not referring to posting here on polycount, but to the content of the actual portfolio in regards to applying for a game art job. While it`s true that there is a lot of high-poly work posted on polycount, the focus of the site is still centered on real-time work for video games and I don`t think it`s unreasonable to expect any work posted to at some point be made into a low-poly game asset.
  • Frank_Tzeng
    @ artquest Thanks a lot, i am planing on redesign the background of my blog to make it more like a website feeling and adding all the break down images of my characters in there, thanks for your advice! and i think i will just redo my website right before i graduate, make it simple and easy to navigate.

    @ Anuxinamoon i totally agree with you, thanks for the advice about the website, i will redo it before i graduate. I do have some more break down images of my characters(wire, texture sheets) in my website, however, i dont think its enough to convene people that i understand the pipeline and the workflow of how to do a good game character model. As i said, theres around 15 characters that i cant put them in my website because of NDA, i believe if i add those characters in my portfolio, it will shows what i am capable of doing, i guess i will just have to wait till i can show those characters, again, thanks for your advice, i really appreciated!!

    @ Darkmaster Sup Galen lol, thanks for stopping by man, and yea i will get rid of the flash website and have someone redo it for me before i graduated, thanks again man!! and you owe me BOBA!!!

    @ PolyTech Hey Jordan, Thanks my friend for stopping by, for sure ill keep up the good work! you will see a lot more from me next quarter!!

    @ ScudzAlmighty Thank you so much man, i will post all the break down images of my characters in my blog before i graduated so it will cover what an art director would need to see, and i will loose the flash website and redo it as well, thanks for all your advises, they really helped!! :thumbup:
  • k04sk
    epic stuff frank keep it up my friend
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    The only sucks things about waiting for your stuff to be released from NDA is that from experience, usually when they get released, its been so long since you have done them, that they don't showcase the peak of your current skill. Its always X years behind.

    I don't do it enough but Hazard always recommends doing a personal work ever few months outside of contracted work, just for folio (and fun) showing your up to date skill level.

    Hope that makes sense!
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