Well, as a massive PC gamer I feel the console generation has being holding us back for to long. I put together a quick concept from the recent news of a possible Steam console. I hope PC gamers might find it interesting, not only could it add more flexibility but also might help expand the PC platform and draw more exclusive games.
Best of all, no expensive or duplicate hardware!

If you like the concept, make yourself heard! The PC master race will rule once more!
The mindset of console players is "controllers are way better, I dont have a good computer, no"
The lowest common denominator is pretty bad but if you look at it differently, pc gamers just buy better stuff too soon.
I think the main benefit about it is because it will probably be cheaper than the competition while still being quite powerful. I don't think it will be a market changer though, especially with the current disuptes between valve-steam and EA, which could drastically reduce its game range.
EDIT: Oh and heres where I read about it Steam Box
The idea that your PC essentially becomes the slave, the concept of having a server per home which then powers everything is pretty powerful when wireless technology starts to expand.
Although this is a pretty good idea, a certification for system recommendations? Kind of like the Forza car class system?
Maybe not
It seemed pretty useless to me even though i still want one
All my friends who did buy it let theres collect dust in the closet or basement yet still try to sell it to me
Its like giving isn't an option even though were friends...
Why would I want a steam console, really? I already has an PS3 and only use it for the exclusive titles.
I would like some way of playing my steam games on my TV, over wifi... Isn't that the Steam Big screen mode they were going to show sometime soon?
Where did this console rumor orignate from?
Because one of these "oh I'd like to play some pc games but I dont understand pc requireents", they'd just go to the steam page for skyrim for example and see "runs very well on medium-range steam pc"
I wouldn't see why it wouldn't be, it will without doubt be a windows-based pc, as the vast majority of games on steam requires windows.
That and valve would have nothing to gain from a closed platform, they want more console gamers to start using steam, that is what this is all about.
Also The PA Report had a pretty decent interview with Gabe not long ago, hardware was mentioned:
Huh ?
Let me rephrase that for him in a more diplomatic matter:
Games have been held back technically since the consoles became dominant, not speaking of artistic quality that is.
The only real benefit here is that you have a standardized format for developer to work from, but that seems like it would kill real PC development completely.
I'd rather not see one more monopolization, thanks anyway valve...
Only hipsters do it ironically!
proud pc aryan!
i guess it may be true?
You need an annoying setup to be able to play true PC games on a couch. And when I say true pc games. I mean the ones that are designed for mouse and keyboard. I know PLENTY of people will say TF2 is a true pc game, but really. its a FPS, and FPS games can easily be played on a console. TF2 could be transferred to console. Yes, Ill admit, I played the hell outta halflife 1 on pc. And i find FPS easier to play with mouse and keyboard. But playing on a couch like that isnt very comfortable. To me, the genres that havent been transferred to consoles, or havent been transferred very well are the true PC games that require good controls with the M&K. RTS. god games.
*Shrug* personally. i think steam should focus on fixing its servers first. Steam constantly goes down. CONSTANTLY. pretty much every day. Its usually only for a few seconds to a couple minutes. But its still annoying. Especially when playing games that kick you out once steam goes offline. And that right there is my main issue with cloud gaming. but thats a different topic all together.
Expecting the steambox to simply be a sort of NAS or network hub to centralize steam throughout the house so you can play all the steam games on the tv, is imo, a much cooler idea.
If they do something, they should do things like this, and nothing more. And of course with better hardware specs for gamers!
For people not fluent in Japanese, what's it about? Just an alienware pc with a "cool" case?
Just enter here: http://www.dell.com/us/p/alienware-x51/pd.aspx
In 4Gamer you have all the sweet screens we would like to see about this tiny pc. That alienware is better for gaming that my i7 2600k with the crappy 5770 :poly127:
So devs could make games for spec'd machine class, and gamers could build for a spec'd class.
As new hardware comes out and new classes would be made, and devs could aim and optimize for different specs. No more High, Med, Low settings, but settings for different spec systems.
Maybe three main specs, Elite, (name), Budget and then attach a year at the end. So this game is designed for E2012 systems.
But then I thought wait a minute. If this is Valves way of connecting console users to PC users, where the target audience isnt those already on Steam for PC, but all the console people who don't play / have a good pc. That would make sense. Valve is just trying to get a bigger piece of the pie. And, honestly, if that's the case, I can see this being the dominant console. In fact, I can see it being the "one console" of the future. Here's why....
Developers could effectively develop for PC, but have it distributed to console users as well. No more shitty ports. If the console connects to the PC audience, everyone could play everyone. Everyone could talk to everyone. It would connect all gamers, each playing with their preferred control scheme. Keyboard and mouse, controllers. Whatever you prefer, you use. Some people are better at one type than the other, so this would ensure that everyone is at their best. Multiplayer games would be insane, and would make finding a game much easier. Yes, you would need really good match making, but that's doable.
If developers focus on one system (PC), and it transfers to the console, it saves costs, which could mean cheaper prices for games, or the same price but BETTER games. And if you have a pc and the steam box, you buy the game once, and can play on both. Digital distribution, so it screws up the used game ways.
No more xbox / ps3 fan boys... I know microsoft and sony wouldnt go down without a fight, but if Valve pulls this off, it would be one hell of a war....
I still stand by my "steam needs to fix its servers first" though.
It's more like this:
Developers develop their games for two consoles, then they have to make it work on a million difference pc configurations.
Consoles will always have a upper hand due to being limited in the ways they are, the moment a pc bests a console at that, it's no longer with the benefits of a pc.
This will bring over console gamers to experience pc only games, but it won't conquer out consoles in any way, just the same way that iphone wont ever win out the portable console market unless it becomes that market.
A total lie
They just said not any time soon, as in E3 or GDC. That doesn't mean they wont have something next year, or the year after. Technically ps4 and the next xbox aren't "any time soon" either. They haven't even announced them officially yet. But its pretty clear they are working on hardware. All the articles I've read, they never flat out say no, there will not be hardware. Just its not coming soon, but we will release hardware if we have to.
Oh Valve.