This one is based on great concept from perzo:§ion=&q=black+fox+dwarf#/d2pxmdv
Progress so far (lowpoly with normal and occlusion in 3d max viewport, shaded with 3pointshader lite. Gonna post more including sculpt shots later):

Actually my work is not new, I started long time ago, rushed it and abandoned before really finishing (barely any texture work).
Right now I hope to get this shit done as it should be... At least as long as my puny skills let me.

My wife got him rigged but somehow fraps refuses to record my max viewport so maybe gonna post vid later.
Issues I am aware of:
- legs/boots look like crap
- lowpoly too lowpoly (he has about 5k)
First of all I think of working on his anatomy under the armor and improving legs and boots and work on sculpt overall. Probably remaking lowpoly, reunwrapping, rebaking and then texturing... Hope to use mudbox painting tools fore base pass and probably tweaking later in photoshop. I am still really noob on some parts of production process - texture especially.
Now it is the part when you guys come in: please destroy me with critique, all coments are really appreciated

How it looks right now:
and some reference I've been looking through:
Plus more bodybuilding stuff not really worth posting.
and I like the sculpt
I worked on the body, should I improve something before going further into detail?
Also planning what to do with the head...
Nothing on pants and boots, going to check it later.
Unfortunately I had to put it on a shelf since I joined university game project and it is taking all of my free time. I'm going to come back to it as soon as I can.