Hey PC, so amongst the other stuff that I have going on at the moment I did this sketch last week, which I just found out made it into the recap....Ta very much Sean!!

Anyway, I booked a long weekend off work cos I have learned a ton in the last six months and not really produced anything for the folio yet that better illustrates that I have a bit more of a clue at what I'm doing now, and decided to take him to a finished game character, I'm aiming at about 10-12,000 tris and 2048's standard folio fare really.....progress so far today:

still a few bits to add, along with the curious hoop in the initial sketch.
I have fleshed out a backstory and world in my head, if anyone gives a toss let me know and I will fill you in on why and how Napoleon has a Necromancer in the first place.
crits and comments most welcome....ta much

But somehow the beard just does not fit (my opinion).
I can´t explain why, but he does not look like an old man to me. He seems very vital and aggressive and not like a bearded wizard.
Looking forward for more!
i love the sculpting, very clear definition. but i get the feeling he should be wearing some sort of jacket. and or maybe a plume on his hat. i just have this vision of this guy wearing a black officers uniform with skull motifs ( i realised i just described the SS) lol
C86G: Thanks man. About the beard....it has to stay for now, I see where you are coming from but I like it too much to get rid of it just yet, I think that as long as its not grey in the diffuse he should get away with it
Nistrum: hehehe :
other than that yeah I am slowly beginning to bring him around to the time period that he's suposed to exist it...see below
itismario: thanks mister, you aren't the first person to mention the torso length...originally it was stylistic but if it looks wrong....well.....its been changed
progress, rouging in the jacket and also playing about with finger blades
ta very much for looking and again for the crits so far
Not that I'm necessarily suggesting to tatter up the uniform, cause I prefer the contrast of how it stands currently. Just curious as to what you were planning.
That skull is slick too!
Hey man, looking real good so far.
I'd really like to hear the backstory of this character, I love that stuff!
Clintus Maximus: also thank you very much.
Nistrum: yeah man , mitchell and webb are probably my favourite comedy duo at the moment....it has also been mentioned that he should remove the gloves before attempting to use a bathroom too.
Robat: thanks man. The jacket will get a little distress but nothing near the level of the robes, it will mostly be cloth fading and grime in the diffuse I think, I want a mid campaign look for him so there will be mud!
hehehe the skull? it was a piece I sculpted nearly a year ago and just haven't found the right character to add it too.....a bit of an update on it and a jaunty angle for the jawbone and he fits
3DFM: thanks very much....right then, there shall be some typing this evening
makecg: Thanks Lance
right best get my head down for a bit and get some progress done then huh?
thanks again for the responses
jokes a side, man... great work!
But i still think the back straps of the belt need some buckles. As the way its looking now it would just slip straight down due to being so low on the hip.
Maybe you could play around with some candles on the shoulders. It could be over kill but who knows?
Di$array: thanks very much....I guess that I just have an affinity with the floating evil minions of French millitary figures....how could I have not figured this out sooner
Buckles-check, I will get those sorted, at the moment the bussel looking thing on his arse is supposed to be more armour, but I will look at resolving it and give the poor lad a belt....I like candles on the shoulders....but I fear that I may have gone too far already....see below
Well, every boy needs a frendly astral companion to help them to float, reanimate the dead, become their lord and master and such....right?
well I have added Rudolphs.....this is the astral being that suposedly locked onto him at a theological college in Vienna in 1686 while deciphering a manuscript suggesting the existance of multi dimensional gates....of course this cant be true, for that would put master Vekt's age at somewhere around 135 at the beginning of the Napoleon's campaigns.
and a closer shot of the ugly astral bastard
still rather wippy....but wadaya recon...too much? Cos I like it but I have been known to like daft things.
thanks for looking and comments and stuff
And if your human is slender and have forms tend to length(skirt, hands, hat, skull beard), then the monster could be wide and flat like a кay fish foe example.
ScudzAlmighty: thanks man, I wasn't thinking gears at the time but I get where you are coming from....the gribbly might just get his own sculpt at some point but I guess that he will go into the box of unloved meshes for the time being
Dan!: Thanks mister...I have reeled him back in for now, its a folio piece so I dont want people thinking..."oh uhmmm....yeah thats.....different...er, whos next?"
also I dont know if you saw but thanks again tons for the paintover of the female anatomy piece it helped tons!
Hellstern: also thanks
makecg: thanks again Lance, he has now been de-weirded
Di$array: I had a play with a few candles on the shoulder, it looked a bit odd. (coming from the man that did the tentacled gribbly thing
so today I focused on tidying up the sculpt and adding a fiew trinkets/details.....still a way to go, but I would love to have the HP nailed by the end of tomorrow
thanks as always for looking and taking the time to comment
added sword and potions and lanyards and medals, and buckles at the back of his armour and a few other bits here and there along with tidying up a few more area's of the sculpt....well the long weekend is over so progress will slow a bit as I'm constricted to post work fun now
3DFM I haven't forgotten, I just have to check a few facts now that I'm going to write it on the internets
anyway thanks for looking
I suppose the pose is sexy too. he`s really sticking his ass out :P Subjective I know, and I`m as tired of the next guy of game art having to fall into the "male power fantasy" genre. I just thought I`d say something.
At any rate, I think just having a standard jacket like this guy here would be pretty cool- Maybe do more things that speak to him being a puppet. Maybe some type of small mechanisms, that the creature uses as a means of manipulation.
I agree about the exposed mid though, my keg is jealous of his pack. And it's a little weird with the rest of the outfit.
Thanks very much for the imput guys sorry its a bit hurried I am out the door for work as I type
crits and comments more than welcome....time to get onto the LP now I guess
note: silly big picture warning
Thanks for looking
decided to lay down a few colours in polylaint before calling it a night:
again, thanks for looking