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Guild Wars 2 Beta!

polycounter lvl 18
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stoofoo polycounter lvl 18


  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15

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  • R3D
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    R3D interpolator
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I've been hanging for this game for so long. I chose to play Guild Wars over World of Warcraft on launch and so far I've enjoyed Guild Wars so much more.

    Anyone still play the first one? I'm re-installing it now to play through again.
  • Baj Singh
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    Baj Singh polycounter lvl 9
  • bounchfx
  • Tigerfeet
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    Tigerfeet polycounter lvl 12
    If enough Polycounters get in we'll have to hook up ingame :D
  • Pierate
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    Pierate polycounter lvl 15
    Does it matter which PC i do the DxDiag deal on? As I'm stuck on my laptop until next week, seems like it shouldn't matter but might aswell ask anyway.
  • alexk
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    alexk polycounter lvl 12
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    Yeaaaaahh boyyyyyyyy, put my creds down.
  • almighty_gir
  • willy-wilson
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    willy-wilson polycounter lvl 8
    Polycount guild yes there better be a greentooth in there for the capes.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    This is probably the game I've been most waiting for in history. I've been dying to play it since I first heard about it. The previews just make it sound even more awesome.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    I've been hanging for this game for so long. I chose to play Guild Wars over World of Warcraft on launch and so far I've enjoyed Guild Wars so much more.

    Anyone still play the first one? I'm re-installing it now to play through again.

    I still play the first one
  • stoofoo
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    stoofoo polycounter lvl 18
    I still play the second one. ;)
  • willy-wilson
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    willy-wilson polycounter lvl 8
    stoofoo wrote: »
    I still play the second one. ;)

    so jealous

    im just trying to fill up my HOM
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    Signed up. Enjoyed the first Guild Wars a ton, and it was fun not having monthly fees or anything.

    And by looking at the previews for GW2 it's looking to be an amazing game.
  • DanConroy
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    DanConroy polycounter lvl 18
    Signed up right away! I was made up to see the email in my inbox with the sign up info :D
  • Endzeit
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    Endzeit polycounter lvl 10
    Signed up!
    Waiting for this since the Gamescom, awesome!
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    NO!!! I chose life!

    jk i signed up.
  • Tigerfeet
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    Tigerfeet polycounter lvl 12
    I hope we'll be able to FIND each other :/ There's an NDA to be signed, wonder if that will include being secret about participation...
  • Torch
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    Torch interpolator
    Signed up, woooo yeeeeeeeeah :D
  • Seirei
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    A polycount guild sounds like an awesome idea, not there's just to hope that we have enough people who get a key, crossing my fingers right now! <.<
  • wretchedgoat
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    wretchedgoat polycounter lvl 8
    was so excited to see that yesterday, signed up immediately. was a big guild wars fan for awhile. too bad i quit before eye of the north and wont get any of those cool legacy items.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Damnit, you wanna bet that as soon as I start on another job/project, the evil beta will appear and invite me in...evil EVIL betal!!!
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    surely stoofoo can pull some strings for polycount buddies? :P
  • stoofoo
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    stoofoo polycounter lvl 18
    I got no strings. Pinocchio and shit, you know?
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    stoofoo wrote: »
    I got no strings. Pinocchio and shit, you know?

    Then go into Garrett mode and 'aquire' some beta slots for us. :)
  • willy-wilson
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    willy-wilson polycounter lvl 8
    McGreed wrote: »
    Then go into Garrett mode and 'aquire' some beta slots for us. :)

    I 2nd this motion.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    I'd like to third, fourth and fifth that.
  • Shanthosa
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    Shanthosa polycounter lvl 11
    Super excited for this game. I honestly have not been this excited about a title in a long time.
  • Joshflighter
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    Joshflighter polycounter lvl 9
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    The one thing that has me super excited about this game?


    Absolutely brilliant idea in every way.
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    I've signed up to the beta, seriously looking forward to this game, hopefully I can get a spot. :)

    I played WoW for a very long time and was very...well, for lack of a better word, passionate about that game, my character and it's progression meant a lot to me. I quit a year ago for a number of reasons, mostly because of the design philosophy and the direction in which Blizzard is taking the game.

    Guild Wars is very appealing to me, because from everything I've seen so far and peoples reactions, I know it's going to do very well. Other MMO's always try to take WoW's spot, but the only thing that will kill WoW is WoW itself. (or, y'know, Titan)

    But I think ArenaNet understand this, and that GW2 is really pushing to just be the better game, not the higher subscriber count. Hopefully in time, this will get noticed. It's already getting great feedback.

    What I find so appealing about GW2 is that right from the ground up, it's a very art-driven game. The concept art is such a massive part in this game and it shows everywhere. Also, what so many developers seem to overlook is just how important the Musical score for a game really is. Music is what really gives Nostalgia and feeling to the game and with GW2, everything is scored by Jeremy Soule, who created the Elder Scrolls music. That alone is a good enough reason to play the game.

    Finally, for me, the fact that there is no subscription fee just makes me 100% sure this game will be very successful. The only reason I wouldn't be casually playing WoW at the moment is because of the subscription not being worth it when I know I would be playing a lot less than I would have used to.

    I also think that if it were free to play, that would ruin it. There's something very off putting about free to play MMO's to me, because I feel the "grind or buy" method is very unethical and damages the sense of community in game. Which is exactly why I quit WoW, because everyone was being treated too equally, you could be the worst player in the world and you would still be given very similar rewards to the players who put in the effort.

    No subscription free = No 'Entitled' players

    That said, WoW is probably one of the best (and at times, the worst) games I have ever played, and I don't think i've ever enjoyed my time in a game more. Hopefully GW2 can recreate this feeling, without having to devote as much time as I used to.

    Anyway, that was an awkward rant, back to work.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Fletch, i actually think even titan won't "kill wow". mmo's have gotten to the point now where no matter what the developer does, it'll always be compared to WoW.

    and unfortunately WoW has now gotten to the point where old players are bored of it, or don't like the direction it's going, and new players find it so easy they hit max level in a couple of months. because of this, any game with a steeper leveling curve is considdered "too grindy" and therefor "bad".

    titan itself will likely not hit expectations on the basis that it's impossible to bring a new mmo to the market, and have it balanced between grind and fun the way it needs to be while at the same time maintaining longevity. look at the old republic... they wanted it to be less grindy than wow, and as a result people were hitting 50 within the headstart... and not in small numbers either.

    i dunno, i think WoW has actually killed the mmo genre as we know it, titan will suffer from it in the same way as every other mmo has.

    anyway, GW2 is going to be pvp heaven <3
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I agree with Fletch on how important art seems to be to GW2's core.

    What wrecks my head about MMO's and WoW is that the hud covers most of the damn screen, so distracting, I want to see the art dammnit, devs should come up with a better way to have functionality but still let us actually see the game world.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    What has me most excited is PVP-leveling! Finally! It's not since Warhammer that I've seen a game where you can level through PvP (actually Rift too, but it's way borked in that one).
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Bigjohn wrote: »
    What has me most excited is PVP-leveling! Finally! It's not since Warhammer that I've seen a game where you can level through PvP (actually Rift too, but it's way borked in that one).

    I loved that stuff in Warhammer Online! The RvR scenarios were awesome and being able to just queue up with your party and then run around doing quests and stuff in PvE until the queue timer popped.
    It was a shame really because only a few weeks into the game launching, Blizzard released Wrath of the Lich King, which pretty much cleared out all of the Warhammer Online servers.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah... that game had the most potential out of anything I ever seen, and it fell so flat. Such a shame. I really loved it.

    Though I see that same potential in GW2 now. Let's hope it delivers.
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    Andreas wrote: »
    I agree with Fletch on how important art seems to be to GW2's core.

    What wrecks my head about MMO's and WoW is that the hud covers most of the damn screen, so distracting, I want to see the art dammnit, devs should come up with a better way to have functionality but still let us actually see the game world.

    WoW has a custom UI scale in the options. You can drastically reduce the size of the HUD. You can also get a mod to make your general layout customized (and even smaller).

    JFletcher: I find it interesting you talk about making WoW free. In fact, the ONLY reason I truly quit was because I was in a money crunch and I couldn't afford to pay for 2 accounts (me and my wife). Now that I haven't played in over a year, I simply cannot see myself paying $32/mo again for an 8 year old game that we've fallen super far behind in, in terms of gear and level. It's like going back to Counter-Strike after a 10 year break and getting your face plowed in by the 2nd worst player on the server (you being the worst).

    Also, the discussion of grinding, level cap, and expansions brings up an idea that could make the next ultimate MMO, maybe! They had to make the earlier content in WoW fly by super fast and easy in order for you to get up to the 80s to play the most recent content.

    This makes tons of the work they did nigh pointless because barely anyone experiences it since they level so quickly (like skipping entire zones). Unless of course they decide to make 4 ALTs and make it a point to see what every leveling zone is like, which the bulk of the players probably do not do.

    Maybe the answer is just to never touch the level cap! Make expansions feel epic and awesome and make players feel more powerful by some other means than just adding 10 levels, and another 10 levels, and another 5 levels, and another 5 levels. You have now effectly increased your level cap by 50% or more and your game will be considerably less appealing to new players that aren't looking for the 100 level grind.

    I also reeeeally enjoyed Warhammer Online. The PVP leveling was awesome, the stat & level scaling in the scenarios to aid lower-level players was awesome, the characters + equipment + art in general was pretty solid. What killed it for me was the little things: strange bursts in scrolling damage numbers, lack of a big community, awkward animations (especially monsters from a distance), and general control.

    I have high expectations for GW2 and I am anxious to see if they will be met.
  • Seirei
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    Wow they just hit a million beta sign ups.

    You can also see a live ticker over here: Click me!

    Pretty impressive for a beta.

    They also just released a video of them celebrating the 1 million sign ups over on facebook. Too bad they uploaded it on facebook directly, so it's not linkable. ^^'
  • stoofoo
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    stoofoo polycounter lvl 18
    haha. im on the right in the front with the hoody one. =)
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    I dont have very interesting specs so I probably wont get accepted :(
  • Quack!
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    Quack! polycounter lvl 17
    The only mmo that has caught my eye since I quit playing that game that shall not be talked about 3 years ago.

    Can't wait to give this a go. Bye bye productivity.

    The environment art for the cities has me drooling.
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