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[Portfolio] Zduhach

At the moment I'm finishing up this bad boy:


Link to my folio: http://www.zduhach.se (I'm still working on filling it up)
I was planning to start working on building some environments, since guns are getting a bit monotonous. Possibly and apartment or an office.

Any crits are welcome!


  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 14
    Okay guns are boring xD, that said , they look really nice. It shows nice technical skill and an eye for detail. :)

    I really like your site, you play with the black/white thing with the 2d/3d section, love that. You have some nice 2d skills, really like the paintings. Too bad they're almost hidden away somewhere where you can barely find it.

    I wasn't really sure what I would find on your site..you had guns, and I didn't immidiatly realize that the thumbs to the left were clickable or even there (probably because there were so few of them)

    The site loads fast! Really nice.

    I like to read a quick interesting Bio and skillset so an About page would be something I would put on there if I was you.

    Hope I helped!
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    I didn't immidiatly realize that the thumbs to the left were clickable or even there

    ^ this.
    and also i think 2D button looks too much like a general logo for you website. i didn't notice it initially since i instantly dismissed it as logo.
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah, i to have to fall into the choir. Diden't really see the 2D button neither.. Other then that i think you site is great. I love the small thumbs on the side..

    But man.. I got to say, your material definition, especially on the revolver, is just fucking insane! I love it! I actually want to make a baby with it!

    I will be great to see what you can do environmentally wise!
  • Zduhach
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    Thanks a lot for the feedback, guys!

    Any tips on how to make it clear what parts are clickable? Do you think it would help if there was more? e.g. another button like the 2D one that links to an about page (thanks for the suggestion, Chris) and more thumbnails (which will happen anyhow)? should I make the thumbnails bigger?
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    I think that regarding the 2D button it's a matter of placement.
    Offline / Send Message
    POFFINGTON polycounter lvl 11
    Mel Clarke in your 2D...NICE! Always a good reference
  • GabrielP
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    GabrielP polycounter lvl 7
    Call me old fasion but I would suggest tabs at the top; a "2D" tab, a "3D" tab and a "Blog" tab. There easy to recognized and people know what they do. currently you have buttons all over the place, it seems kind of hectic.
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