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Elven Dwarf - Barkon

I am working on a elf character who was raised by dwarves. I hope to tell a story through the character's garb and manners.

The short story is that the earth surface is too hot to live on so all inhabitants have moved underground. The elves moved in with the dwarves and things didn’t go so well. Eventually they went to war until the elves agreed to move into old unused dwarven tunnels. During the war, an elven babe was left behind and taken in by a dwarven family. The elf was raised as a dwarf, with modified dwarven garb to fit his stature. They named him Barkon. The difference between him and his bearded companions is very obvious.

I will be painting Barkon's family photo with 5 hair bearded dwarves and their very tall baby faced brother.








  • Di$array
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    Di$array polycounter lvl 5
    Sounds good. Looking forward to the first concepts. Maybe you could have the character hunched over due to the low cellings. They'll have to have a beard as well. A big bold one at that :).
  • Seirei
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    Beautiful idea can't wait to see the first results! :D
  • Lord Fryingpan
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    Lord Fryingpan polycounter lvl 12
    Interesting idea. Also, it reaminds me of a similar idea...

    Meet the sandwich : http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Sandwich_Stoutaxe
  • teardropclock
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    I’ve been playing with different designs that tell the back story of the character. Here are some variations so far. Disregard V3, It's not in the running.

  • teardropclock
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    I've taken the boots and gloves from V1 and the clothing from V10 and decided on this design for Barkon. I will be adding more grunge and patches to him to illustrate that he works underground. I will add some night goggles too because his eyes are not as well adapted to dim lights as the other dwarves are. I'm not really sold on the weapon either. Do you have any other suggestions that would help?

  • uncle
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    Moar muscles, I can't see him using that pick-axe now!
  • Orangeknight
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    Orangeknight polycounter lvl 5
    I like it but if you look at your mood board compared to your concept you will see that the dwarves tend to have bulky stuff. They have alot of detail and alot of armor/clothes for everypart of there body. Also I feel short sleeves dont match dwarven clothing.
  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    i agree..he looks more like an elven..and not dwarf, i would add more muscles or more clothing suggested on the posts above me, i like where this is going though
  • marq4porsche
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    marq4porsche polycounter lvl 9
    I'm liking where this is going so far, this seems like a really cool concept. I agree with the others about having bulkier thicker looking clothing and armor. Dwarves love armor. He needs more muscle and can elves grow facial hair? If so he needs to at least have whiskers.
  • Seirei
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    Yeah I think elves with big bushy beards could look a bit strange, but there's so many beards out there. Just experiment a bit with it, I can't imagine dwarfs letting a male grow up without a beard. And in any case you can call Dave:
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOVBA3QI_rY"]The Day I Met Dave - YouTube[/ame]
  • teardropclock
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    These are great suggestions, but I’d like to keep him lanky.
    I wanted to show that he is a misfit in the dwarven community. To emphasize this I was going to make him tall and skinny. He can’t grow facial hair and has a very baby face. I don’t think he can do any of the hard labor of mining.
    This is my first male character, so any suggestions on the anatomy are appreciated. I have finished the body sculpt, but not the head. I didn’t put any hands or feet on him because they will just be covered up by gloves and boots.

  • teardropclock
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    I've got some of the clothing sculpted. There are some things that I'm not really happy with so I'll be redesigning the glove armor, shirt, and boots. The pants are not wrinkling right so I'll be revisiting that as well.

  • teardropclock
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    I've done some redesigning and I think it works a lot better. I still haven't revisited the pants yet. I'm not sure if I should make the progress images larger or break them up into different images. Let me know what you think.

  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    thing is, if you abandon so many archetypical dwarven features then the model won't really convey the whole idea of elf/dwarf mix. it will probably be percieved as "elf who has slightly eccentric clothes".
  • teardropclock
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    I understand, I'll try to give him a more dwarven feel. I am, however, unwilling to change his lanky body type. I could make his forearms larger and that would give some of the muscles of a miner.
    Here is a design paint over that had some elements that I hope give him a more dwarven feel. Does this give him a more dwarven feel?

  • teardropclock
  • Fingus
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    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
    I'm pitching in a bit too late now, but I think it would add a lot of character if he's hunched over out of habit from walking through tunnels and rooms made for people almost half his size.
  • SiegePerilous
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    SiegePerilous polycounter lvl 9
    Aw man. I was really hoping he'd have a mask with a beard on it...yknow...cause he's really insecure about his not having facial hair...maybe it's just me...
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    something that would really be great would be a somewhat hunched gesture in his body, beeing grown up in a cave made for dwarves, always having to look down to them etc. not like the hunchback of notredame, just a somewhat lowered gesture in his bodylanguage which makes a difference to all the other elves.

    Fingus haha now i saw you post, exactly!
  • achillesian
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    needs patchy/hilarious teenager beard, since elves don't grow bears, and dwarves have epic beards
  • SiegePerilous
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    SiegePerilous polycounter lvl 9
    Female dwarves can probably grow more facial hair than he can. how can he not be insecure about that? he probably gets pushed around a lot by other dwarves and feels ostracized. Also think about how many drinking contests he's lost. He's sometimes turned to thievery in an unconscious effort to strike back at the people around him. His family is probably looked down upon for taking him in too. Maybe his widowed, bearded mother took him in to replace a child lost in an unfortunate goblin raid. She's a single mother holding up against all these negative social stereotypes, but since she's a tough dwarven lady she bears (beards?) up under the strain.

    He's started visiting the nearby colony of gnomes to escape from all of this and is whispered about by the ladyfolk cause he's a tall, rugged, moody stranger. It's here that he's starting to learn that he has innate magical gifts from association with the gnomish illusionists working at the artifact foundry there.

    One can clearly see what will happen next.

    Eventually he steals a magical artifact with powers he can only begin to understand. It causes a long-dormant, ancient power to be awakened from the depths of the underground and he must unlock his inner strength and the secrets of the artifact while on a heroic journey to save the people who once despised him. There's a romance subplot involving a rebellious gnomish princess and a pair of lost slippers and a strangely enticing dwarven love ballad.

    Ultimately, the balance is restored and the boy becomes a man, but some of the dwarves still see him as an upstart and an enemy, setting up the scenario for the sequel in which the hero discovers there are other elves and that they have an ancient hatred of the dwarves. Which side will he choose and can he stop their mutual annihilation before the shadowy forces behind the fighting bring down their fragile peace?!

  • achillesian
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    this thread's already got fan fiction damn!
  • SiegePerilous
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    SiegePerilous polycounter lvl 9
    That's just the overview. You can do the in depth if you want!
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Also think about how many drinking contests he's lost.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26i4OI5ZBs0"]Legolas and Gimli - Drinking Game - YouTube[/ame]
  • SiegePerilous
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    SiegePerilous polycounter lvl 9
    I can't take the LotR movies seriously when it comes to dwarves. He just turned them into the butt of all jokes. Once The Hobbit comes out I'll regain some respect for them on that front if the dwarves are as awesome as they seem to be.

  • teardropclock
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    Awesome suggestions. I love the fan fiction. I was thinking along similar lines but there are ideas brought up that I hadn't considered.
  • teardropclock
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    I never posted the finished product of this character. Here is how he turned out.model_sheet_zps4774003d.jpg
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