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Cort Evl Guitar

grand marshal polycounter
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Obscura grand marshal polycounter
Hi all, i am Krist


  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    Looks nice. A buddy of mine used to have a few Corts, they played reallly nice.

    I think it looks good. Unless your going to be seeing this up close though, 5k tris might be kind of a lot for a guitar. I was kinda surprised when I saw how much geo you used on the bridge. But, like I said, it depends on what the guitar would be used for. If it was supposed to be a prop for say...guitar hero...it would definitely have more detail than if it was a weapon to smack of peoples heads in Saints Row or something.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Thanks for the crit!Yes, there are maybe too much triangles, but i saw some weapons,props,etc around 10-15k triangles here at polycount.The another thing is now we are at 2012,where some games uses tessellation, so i think 5000 or 6000 tri for a medium sized prop is not too much (i hope it :) ).
  • yodude87
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    yodude87 polycounter lvl 5
    as it was said depends on the use you plan for your prop, if its a secondary prop you might consider lowering that tri count a whole lot. instead if its a primary one, you might be around a good number.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    but i saw some weapons,props,etc around 10-15k triangles here at polycount

    Right, but those are usually intended to be used in an fps, where a gun can take up a third of the screen. You won't see tri counts that high in a third person game, though.

    Like I had mentioned, it all depends on its use and the importance of the prop. If its in front of the camera a lot and you get close, then go nuts, if not..then your just wasting adding extra details that won't be seen.

    After a second look, should that guitar be that thin? I know some are like that, but most of the ones I've played are a few inches thick.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    This is just a portfolio work, will never used in game.About the thickness,its just looking thin, at this angle.I have this guitar, so very easy to get a good proportions, and i think its correct. I will upload more images at other angles later.
    Btw sorry for my atrocious english.
    Thanks for the comments!
  • synergy11
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    synergy11 polycounter lvl 6
    Nice! Body looks a bit like an Ibanez S.

    You should have thrown Passive pickups in there though. ; 0
  • Der Hollander
    As a final product, I'd say this looks quite good, but as far as technical aspects go, right out the gate I notice some really glaring issues, which are mainly just wasted resources. I see a ton of wasted triangles making the body of the guitar and the base of the floating bridge a single object, especially when the UV shells are separate. I find this especially confusing because your pickups are separate objects as well as UV shells, so why not the bridge?

    Secondly, you have an absolutely amazing amount of wasted texel space in your UV layout. Just based on seeing some of the techniques you've employed in your process, I'd venture to say that you understand at least a thing or two about optimization, but somewhere along the line, you said "nuts to this" and basically hurried to get it done rather than continue to make it a polished piece both technically and artistically.

    My advice would be if you change just one thing, you need to readdress the texture aspect of your piece. Computers and eat polygons like candy, but texture resolution is still really expensive, and if you want this to be a portfolio piece that shows what you can do in game specs, you should shoot for the most flawless texture you can make at a 1024x512 texture sheet.
  • Korrax
    Make em EMG 81's! Meaner tone!
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Hey guys, thanks for a lot of comments and crits! So your opinion is: Remesh the lowpoly (i think somewhere around 3, max 4k tris), optimize the uv, and the texture space? I am happy and sad at the same time, because i got praise comment about how is it looks, but i got so many crit about the specs. I would love more if i could say, its a "first category" prop, because it looks very well at this res i think.Aaaand...what, if i make LOD or LODs for it? :)
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    I forgot to wrote, if i make lod, the current res could be the nearest lod
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    I working a bit on optimization and now its 3856 (the original is 5256) triangles.Here is an image to presentate where i optimize it.The reds are the original meshes and the oranges are the optimized ones.
    I hope thats enough to get "realistic" tricount
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Hi PC! I continued working on this, but i have some problems with UDK.When i build the light, i get this result, what can you see at the right picture.No speculars, and dark ugly shadows at the whole model.The left pic is without light builded.I have 2nd UV channel for the lightmap, so i dont know whats the problem :S. Help me plz.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    HI all! Another update, strings.Its made from planes, and alpha.You can see it looks not too good, because there are some hard waviness(not normalmap waviness, they are here because the triangulation).How can i fix that?Or make it from 3 or 4 sided cylinders?
  • hostilis
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    hostilis polycounter lvl 13
    I think the strings would be better if you make it cylinders because a plane might not be visible when viewed on the sides plus it will look nicer. By the way awesome metal guitar, I'll wait for the spec maps :).
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Hello everybody, i started to making some props around my guitar.First I created a stand for it...
    More coming soon. Thanks for all the crits and comments!
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    why not have one long cube for each string? then make sure each string has the correct width and apply alot of smoothing in smooth groups or make the self illumated if the texture is good?
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